Is boiled egg yolk good for health

Is boiled egg yolk good for health? 

Some people think that egg yolk has high cholesterol value so, it's obviously good to avoid it and you have this whole range of people.

doctors nutrition is talking about how egg yolk is not good you should not be having it, so in this topic i mentioned should you e be having egg yolk over egg whites or egg white is a better option then an egg yolk.

First, we need to understand what is an egg yolk ? and why is it being treated as a villain ? so as per various research back in 80s 90s  people thought that egg yolk has lot of cholesterol in it.

what is cholesterol:-

  Let's say cholesterol think of cholesterol as a speed breaker. Now you’re driving you have a car you have awakened. Now think of as many speed breakers let you want to go from A destination to B destination be the more speed breaker you’ll have chances of you reaching your destination. You will be obviously a little going to delay the whole journey that's what cholesterol is.

Now think of your journey like say your artery supplying blood to your heart so what is cholesterol what cholesterol does is it's a deposit of fat deposit in between your arteries it slows down it constriction of blood vessels in your arteries. It slows down the blood pressure.

The pressure of blood which is supplying to your heart, so now when that gets clogged in your arteries obviously there's a disturbance, so obviously Your Body Can your heart can't get enough blood in them so that is why cholesterol is been linked it’s not a disease, it's been linked to a heart disease because obviously when your heart does not get enough supply of blood. It leads to various heart problems having answered that what does a cook have to do with it.

Now egg yolk typically 1 egg yolk contains about 200 to 400 grams of 4/m  microgram or for Cholesterol. Now a doctor’s recommendation ideally you’ll being should be having somewhere between  300 mg to 400 mg of cholesterol everyday. Now if you already have a heart condition you should be looking at having something between 200 to 250 mg of cholesterol everyday.

Now the cholesterol is not doable in here it’s dietary cholesterol that we are talking about here do you know that of body’s cholesterol has been made in the liver when you not supplying the body with enough cholesterol it makes it on its own well people didn't even know about it.

You must have heard these two terms called LDL and HDL you know the low-density lipoprotein the bad cholesterol HDL being the good cholesterol.

I think you don't have to eliminate yolk. egg yolk is equally good when it comes to supplying high energy of protein. Now 1  egg contains 6 grams of protein which means 3 grams comes from yolk and 3 grams comes from whites plus yolk also have many other benefits.

It actually helps you killing the bad cholesterol so we are not having enough yolk we actually preventing a body from those good nutrients. So the Yolk is not bad, it's not the villain, if you like the Yolk just when you are stopping yourself because thinking it has high cholesterol by the way all of us would always have a high cholesterol over 300 for a simple fact because some of us are meat eaters.

some of us you know love animal fats so our cholesterol will be somewhat higher so long your Cognizant of it so long you know that your high cholesterol they are ways to minimise it.

What are the best ways to minimise it your cholesterol the only I can think of is exercise.

Now if you exercise and eat whatever you want to eat the best way to kill your control your cholesterol isn't it .so why worry about it coming back to egg whites and egg yolk if you love egg yolks go for it.

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