How to get vascular Tips

  How to get bigger, harder and more vascular


How can I get my muscles to look hard, full and vascular?

The answer is as below-

After a workout muscles always look better because they are pumped up  but that only lasts an hour. however, there are some secrets or proven tactics to getting harder, fuller, vascular looking muscles in this topic.

Tip 1 :- Leaner is better

When You’re lean, you will have more muscle separation, you will have more veins and thus,Your muscles will ‘’ Pop’’  more because they are not hiding under a layer of fat.

Now you may look smaller in clothes, but with your shirt off you’ll look  because because you’re leaner. again it's all about the ‘’illusion’’.

Tip 2 :- Hydrate

you should have a lot more water, electrolytes, carbohydrates, food and Minerals.this is one problem with people who are always on low-carb diet whether it is-( ketogenic, paleo, intermittent fasting etc.) They look flat and  depleted, even when they are lean.

Carb Help fill out your muscle  because they hold 3 times their weight in water. so the  secret NO.2 is that you need to hydrate and fill up your muscles with a lot more water.

Remember, your muscles are primarily made up of water and blood mainly just water. when your muscles are hydrated, you look fuller, bigger and harder…. and your blood volume while also be higher and thus, you will be more muscular as well.

Assuming again, you’re ‘’lean’’ and under 10% body fat. So make sure you have plenty of healthy carbs, mainly white rice because it's super easy to digest and the glucose fills my muscles. And also have lots of water all day long.

However, put Himalayan or Celtic salt in water and on food also. even though it’s salt, it's not pure ‘’sodium’’ and very different than regular white ‘’table salt’’.

These ‘’Real salt’’ (sea, Himalayan, Celtic etc.) have electrolytes and Minerals (Calcium, magnesium, potassium etc.)  and thus, they help absorb the water into your muscle cells and fill them up, This keeps hydrated and that's in the secret.
Workout is a lot better too. stronger and get much better pumps.

Every time people should drink more water, they always complain- ‘’ The water just runs right through me and I’m peeing all day long’’. Yes, this is because there are no minerals in water, electrolytes, and salt To help absorb the water.

Now the other complaint is that- ‘’the salt is going to make me retain water and increase my blood pressure’’.

Regular, fake, bleached white, table salt does that. the sodium in all the pre-packaged foods you eat, does that.
It makes you retain water under the skin, which you don't want makes you look Puffy and bloated and that can also increase your blood pressure.

However,  real salt does the opposite-  it retains the water in your muscles, not under the skin.
Remember ,your body is made up of primary ‘’salt-water’’  just as most of the planet.

when you are in the hospital and take connect an IV bag of saline water to you, that contains salt again, to better absorb the water  into your cells and keep you hydrated.

Drinking water is an important, but the salt is even more important, as is having some carbs.

Tip 3:- Improve insulin sensitivity:-

The problem with having carbohydrates is not higher blood sugar ,but poor insulin sensitivity.
In fact, the more muscle you have and the lower your body fat, the better your insulin sensitivity, and the more carbs you can eat, the easier it is to gain muscle and lose fat. Thus, specific types of workouts and improving your hormones will make big improvements in your insulin sensitivity.

    More salt and water will also help improve insulin sensitivity, so keep doing that. better sleep, has lots of benefits, including better insulin sensitivity as well. Lastly taking specific herbs, Vitamins, minerals and amino acids can make dramatic improvements. And works really fast insulin sensitivity.

Tip 4:- Specific workouts:-

         How you exercise, what you do, how often all can make a huge Difference in how you look.

First, you need to lift heavier weights to create a  more dense, harder looking muscles. do sets at 6-8 reps to hit  your fast-twitch muscles, as well as higher 10-15 reps, both are needed  but especially 6-8 reps lower once.

Secondly, exercising too much, too often, too long causes stress hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone to go up, While also decreasing insulin sensitivity and testosterone levels.

The end result not only will you  start to lose muscle and also gain fat, but your muscles will be depleted, Flat and stringy looking. This gives that ‘’skinny/fat’’ look,

Nobody looks like rather than ‘’lean/hard’’ look. So lifting weights for only about 45 minutes, no more than an hour, but  only about 3-4 times weekly or every rather-other-day. On your off days, go for a nice, brisk walk outside if possible. It helps burn fat and lowers your cortisol.

Tip 5:- improve your hormones:-

Genetics aside, the way you look and feel is primarily based on your hormones.

This is why steroids works so well, not only in building muscle and losing fat, but making you look harder, fuller and vascular. However, simply optimising your own hormones naturally, will go a long way in making improvements in how you look, feel and perform.

This is how do it because it's so much safer, healthier, easier to maintain that's really important. and you won't have any of the negative side-effects(hair loss,zits, man-boobs,

high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc.) this also means higher positive hormones -  

Such as testosterone, GH, IGF, DHEA, etc.while  minimising ‘ negative hormones such as estrogen, prolactin, cortisol,DHT, etc. of course, you won't get the same positive results asteroids, but you will for sure look and feel so much better.

and this is especially important if you’re over the age of 30.
This is why working out and rest are so important. to help balance your hormones. also taking specific vitamins, Herbs and amino acids that optimize your hormones who will give you quick results.

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