improve your blood circulation

improve your blood circulation

increase your blood flow, is one of the most valuable and natural anti-aging solutions.
Most people don't realize or have taken for granted, the fact that your blood contains oxygen which gives light to Every cell in your body it contains-
Proteins- to help prepare and grow muscle, hair, skin organs bones
Anti-aging hormones - which make you look and feel young it also contains enzymes nutrients and everything you need to live, to grow, heal and thrive…

Unfortunately, as we age, and due to the negative changes in your hormones your blood flow isn’t as strong as it used to be the plaque, heavy metals and calcium build up in your arteries, veins and blood vessels. Reducing circulation and thus, there’s ‘’life- promoting’’ oxygen getting to all your cells. Unfortunately, this Results in less youthful hormones and nutrient-rich blood, being delivered to every muscle, organ and moving body part. and
because of poor blood flow, your body slows down its internal healing and cleansing process so you begin to get sick more often.
After you feel tired and fatigued. you become forgetful. you have more aches and pains eventually, you start to get injured More readily and often, your skin loses elasticity and youthful Shine Your Hair begins two thin and look brittle and dry. And men decreased blood flow is a primary reason you are not performing as well in the bedroom anymore.

Basically, you start to look and feel OLD... All because of poor blood flow and circulation.
now when it comes to improving blood flow, doctors will either prescribe blood thinners (anticoagulants)  like Xarelto, heparin, warfarin or coumadin or they will prescribe and tablets drugs -such as Plavix and aspirin.

So the theory is that by thinning the blood flow, it ’ll be easier to get through the smaller opening because of the plaque build-up, but none of these addresses the main problem.
The actual plaque build up and why the artery opening he is getting smaller, to begin with?

1. Decrease the plaque build up and increase the openings in the vascular system, so you have better and bigger blood flow.

2. Strengthen the walls of your arteries and blood vessels, so they’re more pliable and flexible, to help prevent a  rupture or tear in the future.

3. Prevent future build-up of plaque, heavy metals, and Calcium and that's the secret.

And why blood flow optimizer it's so effective. Because you don't want to keep thinning the blood, while the plaque continues to build up as you age and the artery walls become thinner and weaker and the hole gets smaller and tighter.

Only focusing on thinning your blood is a faulty way to fix this problem. It's a temporary band-aid and not a very good one because Research has revealed that taking some of these drugs nearly doubles the death rate of those who had heart disease.

Now just think about your pipes and plumbing at home. if the water isn't going through your sink as easily as before... you don't decrease the water flow or thin the water so it can go through?? of course not…

You put some ''Drano'' cleaner or utilize a tool or hire a plumber to clean the pipes and open the hole back up, by removing the build-up, such as hair or whatever is blocking the flow. This is just a logical and common sense and that's how you should deal with your own ‘’pipes’’ and vascular system.

Unfortunately because of aging and due to the negative changes in your hormones. We ’re no longer absorbing vital nutrients from our foods like we did when we were younger and let's be honest, today foods barely have any nutrients as it is, Even if you always eat organic.

That about 9 specific vitamins and minerals, and 5 natural herbal extracts and 4 essential amino acids, that when combined together, in the correct ratio, creates a synergistic effect that naturally helps improve your blood flow and circulation….
And it does this through 7 scientifically proven mechanism:-

1. Naturally thins your blood and helps improve circulation.

2. Supports proper fibrin function and healthy blood clotting.

3. Calcium and other excess minerals out of your arteries and into your bones, where it belongs. resulting in better blood flow and stronger bones.

4. It promotes strong, flexible blood vessels, which can help reduce ruptures and tears.

5. Provides strong defense against inflammation Which is a major cause of many diseases.

6. Helps remove heavy metals and toxins out of your arteries.

7. It fights free radical damage throughout your body,  which has major anti-aging benefits.

So, to make life easier and to save time and money, these 18 + with and nutrients into one, convenient pill called...blood flow optimizer. And yes, it really does work….. it's safe and effective... so much so that if it doesn't help reduce plaque build-up and improve your blood flow.

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