How does fiber lower cholesterol ?

  How does fiber lower cholesterol


Fiber has lot of benefits. it helps with digestion, stabilize your blood sugar levels and also helps lower cholesterol levels.

Foods with lots of fiber help prevent many diseases and also help you to lose weight faster.

But how and why does fiber work?
There are a few ways Fiber works its magic.

1.Fiber works as a Binder:-
ONE Theory about fiber is that it binds with cholesterol in the intestines. The idea is that when fiber is converted into a gluey paste in your digestive tract, it sticks to the cholesterol and prevents it from being absorbed into the body, where it could have gone on to Clog your arteries.

2.Fiber works as a substitute:-

The another theory is that If you are eating foods with a lot of fiber, you are probably eating Less total calories and at the same time, not eating bad foods.
for example,
you substitute oatmeal for bacon for breakfast. Or vegetables instead of rice for lunch.  

3.Fiber For weight loss:-
> High fiber foods tend to be low in calories.  
> They take a longer to eat.
> They make you feel full Sooner and for longer.

If you are eating more fiber, you are eating less of the stuff that causes weight gain and keeping healthy weight is crucial in keeping your heart healthy and your cholesterol low.

What's the best type of fiber?

There are mainly two types of fiber -Soluble and insoluble and both have their benefits.

Soluble fiber:-

Soluble fiber is in foods like Oatmeal and oat Bran, nuts, apples, strawberries, beans, and Barley.
This is the fiber that turns into a gel  in the intestine and slows down and digestion. It’s soluble fiber, in particular, That seems to lower cholesterol.

Insoluble fiber:-

Insoluble fiber doesn't really breakdown at all. it’s in whole grains,wheat cereals, and vegetables like carrots, tomatoes and celery.

Which type of fiber should you eat more of ?

Actually the answer is both.
Although soluble fiber might have the clear connection to cholesterol, insoluble fiber and total fiber( soluble and insoluble fiber combined) are linked with lower rates of heart disease.

Fruits and vegetables such as - apples, beets, pears, and carrots  contain good amounts of both types of fiber. but the fiber isn't the only way to lower your cholesterol.

Let's discuss the healthiest, fastest, easiest and safest ways of lowering your cholesterol naturally

1. Diet:-

Eliminate or at least limit all man-made carbohydrates- such as cakes, crackers, breads chips etc. anything that comes in a box just isn't good for you. stick to natural carbohydrates.

Such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, sweet potatoes and a small amount of Steel cut oatmeal.

Too many of the wrong carbohydrates increase insulin and blood sugar levels,Which increase Cholesterol And cause many other negative health ailments.


Americans eat way too much animal protein. reduce the protein and limit it to vegetable sources, Grass-fed Bison and wild-caught fish such as Salmon. and stop eating Dairy and soy because they cause negative hormonal changes by reducing your thyroid,Increasing toxic estrogen and stress hormones- and all of this leads to Excess body fat and cancer.


These are very important for proper hormonal function.And the best are raw almonds, Walnuts, avocados, fish oil and extra virgin coconut oil. try to stay away from the man-made, Supermarket oils such as Soybean, sesame, canola, corn, sunflower and similar oils and products.Definitely no margarine either.

All these hands cause  imbalances in hormones and lead to heart disease with long-term  usage.

Eat lots of fiber, about 10-25 grams daily. the best sources would be from vegetables, legumes, fruits with skin, and nuts( walnuts are best)


All you need is 20 -30 minutes of something 3-4 times a week.
walking is a great start... lifting weights as many hormonal benefits. swimming, playing Sports, etc. are all very helpful. pick something fun and stick to it. and be consistent.

3.Stress management:-
The topic of ‘stress’ is big,  but stress really does ‘kill’ because of all the negative hormonal changes.

You must manage how you react to stress. do your best to spend your time on the solutions in  life, rather than complaining about the problems.

4.Natural Herbs and vitamins:-

There are about half a dozen really good, clinically proven Herbs and natural ingredients that help lower cholesterol levels, triglycerides and improve your HDL/ LDL ratios.

This is important because of aging and hormonal changes,  your body needs specific nutrients to help regulate and improve your cholesterol levels and triglycerides from within naturally. diet helps, but it's usually not enough.

so, there you have it... 4 proven solutions for naturally improving your cholesterol levels and having a healthy heart.

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