
                                 7 - Superfoods 

 Superfoods are rich in vitamin Minerals and nutrients that are designed to provide the body with the greatest health benefits.

Most of these superfoods are everyday ingredients by simply adding more of them into your daily diet. You can enhance your health and well-being immensely. A diet of natural wholesome foods densely packed with remarkable vitamins and minerals such as superfoods can give you a well-nourished fishery that is strong enough not only to fend off diseases but can help you achieve better health prevent chronic disease and improve the way you feel day in and day out. 

Some of the superfoods are -

            Cucumbers are used as traditional medicine to treat a headache and the juice is used as an acne cream and soothing remedy for tired and coffee. Although it's  Actually 90% water.

Cucumber has a lot of nutritional value. It is an excellent source for Anti-inflammatory vitamin K, infection-fighting Vitamin C, Energy producing (vitamin B5) Bone-building manganese, Heart-healthy Potassium, and Magnesium.

Recent studies also revealed that Cucumbers have lignans known to lower heart disease risk. And cucumbers these powerful lignans bind with estrogen-related bacteria in the digestive tract contribute to a reduced risk of several cancers including breast, uterus, ovarian and prostate cancers. Other phytonutrients in cucumber rasam are also known to strongly inhibit cancer cell development to get cucumbers into your diet you can try pickling them or adding them to your salads juices and other cooked recipes. Infusing your water with slices of cucumber is another way to incorporate cucumbers into your died.

2. Coconut oil:-

            Coconut oil is the edible oil extracted from the White meat of mature coconuts from being an ideal oil to use in all forms of cooking and baking.

Coconut oil can also be drizzled of salads added in coffee or vegetable juices or taken in once or twice daily.

Coconut oil is an excellent replacement for nonvegetable cops because it is comprised of MC FS. The medium chain fatty acids which are easily digested and readily cross membranes. 

Coconut oil is also an antimicrobial which will destroy all kinds of microbial microbes from viruses to Bacteria to Protozoa.

Coconut oil also helps promote heart health support thyroid function from more healthy brain functions, strengthen your immune system. It will provide an excellent fuel for your body it supports the metabolism and can aid in weight loss maintain healthy and youthful looking skin. 

3.Aloe vera:-
           Fresh Aloe Vera Gel is Rich enzymes and has antibacterial antifungal antiviral properties. It is also powerful anti-inflammatory making it useful for soothing and number of digestive complaints.

Aloe vera juice can help acid reflex but ideally it should be made from homegrown aloe vera benefits come from the inner gel of the plant and not the outer leaf. The inner gel can be compliant can be combined with lime or lemon to make it more palatable when drinking. it is also helpful in candida infection, parasitic infection, constipation ulcers including those caused by H pylori Crohn's disease IBS and colitis.

4.Homemade bone broth:-
            Bone broth is made with bones and sometimes a small amount of meat and hearing to the bones of different kinds of animal needs. It is typically simmered for a significant period of time which can sometimes even go beyond 24 hours to produce a gelatinous soup. Basically the more gelatinous the broth the more nursing it tends to be the collision that leads us out of the bones when a slow cooker is one of the key ingredients that make bone broth so healing.

Bone broth contains a variety of valuable nutrients that can be easily absorbed and used. some of these nutrients are Calcium, Phosphorus and other mineral and their components of collagen and cartilage Silicon another trace minerals and components of bone and bone marrow glucose amine and chondroitin sulfate. The conditionally essential amino acids like Prolene glycine and glutamine are also found in this broth.

The bone broth that helps in reducing joint pains and inflammation it inhibits infection caused by cold and flu viruses it fights inflammation promotes strong healthy bones, promotes healthy hair and nail growth.

5.Fermented foods:- 

          Fermented foods beneficial bacteria have a direct effect on Brain chemistry transmitting more and behavioral regulating signals to your brain via the vagus nerve. A woman who regularly ate yogurt containing beneficial bacteria had improved brain function compared those who did not consume probiotics. commercial yogurt preparation is unhealthy loaded with artificial sweetener, colors, flavoring, and sugar. 

Most importantly the vast majority of this commercial yogurts have clinical levels of beneficial bacteria. It would be far better off making your own from drop milk or eating other fermented foods like fermented vegetables to support your gut health and move toxicity in your gut can flow throughout your body and into your brain where it can cause symptoms of poor mood autism ADHD depression schizophrenia and whole lot of other mental and behavioural disorders. 

probiotics can help boost the Good bacteria in your gut to promote better digestion and enhance immunity. 


          it's curry central leaves are edible and often used as an ingredient in authentic Indian cuisine while it's seeds are used as a flavorful spice.

Fenugreek rich in iron, potassium, calcium, fiber choline and can be sprouted for an added health benefits as well. Over the years fenugreek has also been the focus of several studies concerned treating diabetes and prevention of breast cancer, but traditionally fenugreek has been valued for its medicinal uses for digestion problems, constipation, gastritis, Bronchitis, sore throat diabetes, and ulcer. 

7.Sweet potatoes:-


      Sweet potatoes are not just delicious they are good for you too. Sweet potatoes are high in nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin D, iron and magnesium these properties provide great health benefits that can improve your energy levels support a healthy immune system and reduce stress. Most notably they are loaded with vitamin A

One cup of cooked potatoes meets 769% of your daily value for vitamin A.

Vitamin A helps envision, fighting inflammation and protecting the health of your immune system to fight off infections. Try roasting a batch of sweet potato wedges add ginger soups or use them to flavor your curries and salads.  

Remember if you're allergic or sensed you to any of these foods listed it's best to discontinue the use and talk to your doctor. Remember that these foods are packed with extra nutrients and can be a healthy addition to your diet but not an immediate cure for your medical problem. Instead, they should be used along with a nutritious and varied diet healthy lifestyle and regular and exercise to see the best results by slowly making these changes to your daily habits you can create new healthier routines and a much healthier you.

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