increase testosterone level

increase your Testosterone level naturally

This is from within your body called ''endogenously'', now this is an important topic for men but also for  women as well.
Remember, both sexes have the same hormones but just only in different amounts and  ratios.

Now health is testosterone level is important for optimal health, bone Density, positive mood, sex drive, maximum muscle and strength, and also disease and Cancer prevention of BOTH sexes.

The good news is that many people, including doctors are aware of the numerous benefits of testosterone  levels. Unfortunately, many people are looking for quick fix with‘’exogenous‘’(outside) testosterone such as injections, creams and pills.

Unfortunately when you add testosterone into your body and as many negative side effects, if it's not managed properly and it can also actually cause the opposite side effects over time, so doing it natural is just much better because you won't have the negative side effects. And you will easily be to maintain all the benefits  safely. In the long run it's always better to do it naturally before you try ‘’drugs‘’.

Besides even if you wanted to take exogenous testosterone (injections creams pills etc) utilising today's ‘’natural’’ methods will only enhance the positive effects and give you even more benefits.

1. Diet:-
What you eat, is just as important as what you don't eat. Food controls your hormones.


Protein about 25 to 30% of your  protein source should come from Fish,eggs  and free-range, grass-fed Bison and buffalo and all other sources. Even the free range you know chicken and cow/ beef, still have lots of negative hormones, despite what the government labels.

Make sure you also have whole eggs daily because the cholesterol is needed to produce testosterone and other sex hormones. And about 2-3 daily is fine.
Don't worry, it won’t Increase your cholesterol levels that's a myth for the most part. Just make sure it's free range eggs and also try to have it raw and if not, keep the Yolk a bit runny and soft.

Don't overcook your protein or fry it. And that includes the eggs and also stay away from soy  it causes an increase in your oestrogen level.


Carbohydrates about 40 50% of your diet  should come from healthy carbohydrates. Vegetables, Fruits, Lentils Yams, Quinoa and some white rice is fine in small amounts.
Eliminate or reduce all sugars, man made carbs and processed foods  which typically is like( chips, pasta, breads, etc) .



Make sure you have some healthy fats, about 25 to 30% of your diet. Should be from health fats it helps produce a many of your sex hormones very important including your testosterone and most we will eat the wrong forms of fats which can actually lower testosterone. Good that's a raw coconut oil macadamia nut, oil hemp oil avocados raw nuts seeds and again egg yolks.

2. Exercises:-

The right type of exercise can have dramatic effects on your hormones positive or negative.

Lifting heavy weights (6 to 10 repetitions) increases testosterone level. You only need 3-4 times a week, don't go on 5 or 6 times a week, because too often will do the opposite,because it's increase your stress hormone cortisol. Keep your workouts short about 45 minutes or less.

Basically go quickly and go fast lastly eliminate intense cardio such as running because, it will actually lower your testosterone levels and increase cortisol your stress hormone it's better to actually take a  brisk, 30 minute walk about 3-4 Times weekly preferably outside in the sun.

3. Lifestyle:-


Lifestyle changes has more to do with stress management  and rest.
Sleep is very important most of us just don't get enough of it. So trying to get to bed earlier.

Basically get better sleep at night and squeeze in a little nap if you can during the day even 20 minutes will to wonders try  to reduce negativity in your life because it increases your stress hormone, cortisol and Burns out your adrenal glands.

This means negative thoughts, information, media as well as its negative people. Now you can't eliminate it, but you can certainly reduce some of the negatives in your life.

4. supplements- natural Herbs and vitamins:-

Most of us are deficient in  numerous herbs, vitamins and minerals. In fact  its eliminated that we would need at deed. At least 27,575 calories daily to get all the nutrients our body needs and it's even higher as we age due to poor and function.

Now because of this highly suggest you take specific herbs vitamins and minerals to help Boost Your testosterone level naturally, from within not only while your libido and sex drive increase but you will feel younger, have more energy.

Increase your muscle mass and lose the belly fat because of the natural higher testosterone levels  and because of this you know happens all naturally from within your body it's safe for long term use.

Some of most effective and clinical proven herbal remedies boosting your testosterone levels are
  •  Testofen  Fenugreek Extract
  • Avena Sativa Extract
  • Tongkat Ali Exract
  • Maca root
  • Bulgarian Pro- Tribulus Terrestris  Extract
  • Stinging Nettle
  • L-Arginine
  • Zinc + Copper
Now in summary eating better exercising daily and managing your stress levels takes time, so please be patient. Trying to make small improvements daily and over the next few weeks and months. You will have new habits a healthy body and optimal testosterone levels.

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