does lifting weight make you short

     Does lifting weight make you short ?
This is an interesting question about growing up, Don’t lift weights Because it would make you short ?
In fact,someone told you to ‘’play basketball‘’ if you want to grow up tall.And actually not to play soccer either, since that will also make you short, of course this is just idiotic and stupid.

playing basketball doesn't make you tall.- it just happens that tall people play basketball. and playing Soccer doesn't make you short either.- it just happens that ‘’Shorter’’ people tend to play soccer.
And similar to lifting weights, most ‘’ muscular’’  people are shorter simply because: they don't need to gain as much muscle to look big and muscular.
someone like who is 6.2 inch tall that person need to gain a lot of muscle to fill out his large frame. So it’s a lot more work for  that person.
However, certain exercises can  actually cause damage to your spine, not allowing you to get as tall as you could. Additionally, some exercises can actually improve your height. Making your shoulders and rib cage bigger. If you do them during puberty and up-to the age of maybe around 21-23 or so while your growing And get to the exercises in a minute.
However, genetics aside the Secret to getting taller is actually lower your estrogen  and increase your testosterone and also use GH/IGF levels at the same see estrogen fuses the end of the bones and thus, prevents them from growing.
             This is why girls are actually taller than boys when everyone first starts  puberty…... but after about a year or two of puberty, once estrogen shoots up  a lot, the ends of the bones ‘’fuse’’ and growth and height slows down grammatically  for this moment for girls.

Yet, the boys keep getting taller and taller but happens slowly, because they don't have much estrogen and have higher  testosterone. And when you have a lot more growth hormone and IGF levels your bones will keep growing because again the ends  haven't ‘’fused’’ yet because of the highest estrogen.
And this is why woman who typically have naturally big breast, are shorter. While taller women generally have smaller breasts, again due to estrogen. And you have probably heard the saying about guys who are ‘’short, fat, bald and hairy‘’.
Well this short and fat is due to higher estrogen, and the ‘’bald and hairy’’  is due to higher DHT levels. and in both of these cases, these men also have lower testosterone levels.
However, all of this only matters if you are under the age of 23 and are still going through puberty. And yes, Genetics does play the biggest role here however, if done correctly you can ‘’naturally’’ grow and extra 2-4 inches or more. and yes, seen  this happen many times.
             Now, regarding the exercises  that can potentially keep you shorter don't do anything that  compresses the spine. this means no squats, overhead presses, deadlift, shrugs and similar exercises.
Instead, focus on doing pull ups and Chins and not machine pull-downs, this is a big difference.
You want to pull yourself up and at the bottom, hang you for 2 seconds. and  stretch everything.
This makes your shoulders wider by stretching out your scapula around your back and Shoulders and also decompress your spine, which will help accelerate growth for your nerves, CNS and bone growth. and of course there are diet factors as well.

Just do your best to eat as Natural as possible and eliminate any food that can increase your estrogen level and decrease your testosterone level.

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