How to prevent Muscle loss while losing fat

                How to prevent muscle loss while losing fat
1. Do not follow starvation/ crash diet:
There are very a lot of different starvation diets out there on the internet but they are widely promoted. Why they do work alright they do work for weight loss but we are not talking about weight loss. Weight loss means just losing weight that can be water that can be fat that can be muscle we don't want any of that we just want to lose fat because you will only look good when you are headed and you have some muscle mass on you are right if you have got up all the fat you have and also all the muscle you have you were basically not have anything left. So that's not going to look good and that's also going to mess you up mentally as well and it's not going to be at sustainable it's basically the most important thing in your diet.Because your diet will not be successful if you are not able to sustain it so simply go on regular diet including carbs. But most people don't so simply start off  with a regular diet and go from there right see what if it doesn't then try out something different but always keep the calories high enough, so that your body doesn't directly burn muscles because they are in a way too big of a deficit, So always keep the depreciate start at around 500 calories under maintenance.
Now I know it's kind of hard to calculate your main to this level so just start off somewhere in that range and then noticed whether you are dropping weight way too quickly or not too quickly day see something you get and that's why I always recommend to start off a little higher on calories to just make sure that you are not dropping too rapidly but even if you to you can still bump up the calories and you will probably not be able to lose a lot.
2. Maintain your strength:
I talk about  this a lot friends maintaining strength during your county phase and building stranger in your volca phase. I believe as a natural strength is the most important indicator of whether you are doing good in the gym. or whether you are building muscle or not and that's why I feel you think training is very important as we go lifting as well. Even if you want to build size. Now especially when you're  guarding you want to keep your strength up. You don't want to drop in strength you don't want to do all these crazy training protocols that a lot of people already in it. As well where you get your cutting face you switch to very high reps, and that is basically the biggest myth there is on the internet and then we will definitely mess up your gates.
If you are on antibiotics steroids it might work out because you will burn more calories and to be honest you will still build muscle and anabolic steroids, even if you are trading sucks all. That's just a fact we can turn around that so that's the reason why it does work for some people but for natural lifters.I suppose because I am natural and I spread the natural message it is not going to work out for you. so what I think is very important here is they just stick exactly to the same workout routine you were  doing when you were bulking or at least apply the same principle right and that make sure that you can still track your progress and you make sure they did not lose any shrink and you can even gain some strength during you were cutting page especially in the first couple of weeks. Now if you are a beginner I have a bunch of clients that are able to still make progress in the gym while they are cutting while they are on 500 plus calorie deficit and still being able to make shrinkage every single workout now does usually because they are either beginners or they have not been trained properly yet they might have been training for half year or a year but they have not been trained properly , did like a bro split and they apply my principles to the training routine and they start to notice that they are able to gain strength during their cutting phase, As well so that something you want to try out for yourself simply try to increase the weights and if it's not possible at least focus on the maintaining your strength right so don't want as high reps stuff and  switching to all kinds of different protocols stick to what you know works for you, because it did work to build all that muscle so it will also work to maintain your muscle.
3. Keep your carbohydrates as high  as possible :-
I see a lot of people they are very scared carbs. They think carbs will make them fat they always ask me like '' How are you eating pasta during your cut '' ''How are you eating rice'' like I tried to keep my carbs as high as possible I still lose weight and that pretty much goes heading out with the first. As well you want to keep the calories as high as you possibly can and steel lose weight. So don't drop calories when you are still dropping weight all right. A lot of people want to take the short-cuts there is no easy road when it comes to fat loss guys  you can go in the Bigger deficit you can eat less foods, but you will not burn more fat there is a maximum amount of fat that your body can burn. If you are an anabolic steroids again you can go on a starvation diet and you might even still put on muscle mass but as it naturally it's not going to work out, so simply take it easy and take it slow. think it's very slow too So take a long time to cut. and then keep the carbs as high as. you possibly can you want to have protein around 1 gram per pound of body weight and I see a lot of people also they going crazy high protein diets some people I see are only eating proteins of  vegetables during your cutting phase and not even fast for hormonal balance you know it's pretty crazy and they are cutting our carbs completely, and that is just not the way you want to do it because when you keep the carbs high you will be able to have better performance in the gym, because you will have more energy you will be able to push those heavy weights and like I said if you maintain your strength there is a very very good possibility to maintain your muscle as well as theirs actually a 100% possibility so always focus on that guys keep the cards as high as possible.
Now I know that at some point you will have to drop your carbs all right because your fats can only go down so much before you start getting hormonal issues before you leave meto  start to slow down and that's something you did not want to write your protein can only go as low as well. so ever so proteins M facts are essential there is a. Point where is you cannot really lower your fats any further so at that point you will have to cut carbs, but you still want to keep your carbs as higher responsible during you are cutting phase as long as you keep. losing weight or right and if you stop losing weight you can lower it but as long as you keep losing weight don't change anything.
4. Adjust your training volume:
Personally I always like to stick a high frequency split but little bit lower volume now I know like lot of people like I already said the workout proteins on the Internet when you are cutting is this simply switch to very very high volume training  split and that is usually not very effective for maintaining your strength, because if you do not too much it's not going to work out and I actually know is that during my cutting phase slowly but surely I start to cut down volume a little bit because I simply cannot handle it anymore if I do cut my volume I will be able to do use the same waves on the exercises so I will be able to keep strong on my lips and that is actually way more important than doing a lot of volume because you will not be build any muscle during your cutting phase  it is mainly about maintaining Your muscle mass maintain your string therefore and that's why I think it's very important to keep the volume fairly low and just enough to basically maintain your muscle mass and a lot of people think you burn a lot of calories with lifting but they don't realise that you burn a lot of calories with lifting that is true but that is actually because lifting makes you put on muscle mass and due to the muscle mass you will burn more calories naturally without doing anything.
It's not that the waste itself pushing the weight is making vert a  Lot of calories because it actually doesn't burn that many calories especially you incorporate strength training as well so that is not really something you want to worry about you just want to do some additional cardio what you want to burn more calories so the Deeper you cod getting through your cod you might want to cut down the volume just a little bit in order to keep your strength up on your list. so for example if you 5 Cents on a bench press and you start to notice that the fourth set you are very fatigued simply cut out one set and you will still be able to do the same weight on that exercise. now obviously you don't want to take it  too far like you don't want to go From 5 Sets to one Seth at the end but you just want to gradually lower it. just a little bit where you start to notice that you just can't handle anymore another last but not least I think it's a very important.
5.Incorporate refeed  days and/ or diet breaks:
So refeed day basically means that you can happen like once  or twice a week they may be very very high in breaks is something you can do  when you want to cut for a fairly long period of time and that is usually for 40 + weeks you can also do it after like 10 weeks 12 weeks but it kind of depends on how long you want to keep losing fat. if you want to cut for like 60 weeks you might want to do a dive rate  after 8 weeks and the diver basically needs to go back to you or maintenance calories or maybe even a little bit about that because you usually will not get fat in that period and usually in my experience a period of 1 to 2 weeks. 2 weeks is usually the most apt ball but it kind of depends how much time you have to lose that fat right. if you are going to be cutting for let's say 14 weeks and you do die break like after 6 weeks you probably don't want to take two weeks. because then your life like few weeks left so you kind of want to play around with that but if you are cutting for prolonged periods of time you definitely want to take like a diet. Break in between or two weeks and that's not going to hurt your progress anyhow.

It  is basically going to reset you it's going to help you in the gym with getting some of your strength back as well and psychologically is definitely definitely going to help you more reset you as well so after that you can go back to kotti And you will notice that you will be easily able to lose at again and if you will be less hungry throughout the day have more energy etc so these are pretty much the most important things, and like I already said it actually pretty damn simple but because there are so many complicated information and False information on the internet I feel like a lot of people are misinformed. so it is basically comes down to keeping your calories as high as you possibly can and still lose fat.
You don't want to cut them greatly greatly to lose fat in a very Rapid way because that's not going to work out you are going to lose a lot of muscle weight that way so you want if you are calories as high as you can and you want to keep your strength up as high as you can and you will do that by incorporating strain workouts so still doing the lower rep sets and no all this pump work or 15 to 20 reps like a lot of people say it's a most optimal for fat burning and at the same time you also want to keep your carbs high in order to keep that performance of it. in order to do well on those exercises, so it basically all goes hand in hand and then you want to take brakes and refeeds in Order to help you we get to your car keep your hormones in check and to keep your energized throughout your whole cut so that's basically all the points I wanted to make and I am that's basically how you maintain your strength during a cutting phase so this article is not really about how to cut down but how to do it successfully without losing muscle mass and I think that's very very important thing because I see a lot of people going on these crash diets and I first of all these crash diets they will usually not even be effective it would usually not even help you because a lot of people is based on those rides diets, but don't binge  on those diets and you stick to those diets they will work. you will drop greatly in weight but you will lose a lot of muscle mass and that's not going to make you look good it’s got to make you worse then you start it off with so am I want you guys to apply those principles.

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