muscle gain workout plan

    Have a plan  muscle gain

‘’Fail to plan is like planning to fail.’’ doing random exercises or reps or copy what some other guy is doing is not going to get you anywhere. always have a clean plan and goal for every workout.

This means knowing before you even enter the gym which exercises you are going to do, with how much weight, and for how many sets and reps. what you can measure you can improve.

TIP: Start with early training plan. this is called ’’ periodisation’’.it allows you to gradually adapt to training in a gentle increasing fashion.
This is achieved by firstly increasing the volume to condition the body of training before increasing intensity.

Regardless of the periodisation model you use, the key is that all training should be progressed in some  periodised Manner and it is up to you to determine which model best Suits your needs and goals.
Eating the right diet that supports muscle gain  
It is essential if you want to achieve lean muscular body.2 hour eating too much of the bad stuff, a layer of fat will cover the muscles you have built.
Likewise , if you are not eating enough calories, your muscles won’t grow.Eating a whole foods diets will help your muscles grow as vitamins  and minerals content helps recovery. Choose nutrient dense foods as much as possible to get the maximum nutritional value from every calorie you eat.
Any food that has been refined, enriched, preserved, processed, canned, boxed or frozen will usually  have less nutritional density than fresh foods in their natural state.
The superhuman food pyramid gives you all the information you need to choose the right foods.
Muscle gain diet: 4 carbohydrate facts to know       
1. Carbohydrates have 4 calorie per gram and should represent 30 to 60% of the weight gain diet.  
2. Carbohydrate provide the body with its preferred source of energy.
3.In order to prevent a Gluconeogenesis ( where the body converts protein into an energy source), enough carbs must be provided to the body to provide sufficient energy.
4.Carbohydrate consumption should lean heavily towards Complex carbs or those with low glycemic index ratings.
Lift Heavy: think big                             
Big, compound moves such as the squad, bench and deadlift should be the staples of your programme.
There's evidence from several studies that shows these lifts cause surges in testosterone and growth hormone as well as employing huge numbers of muscle fibres- all essential for growth.

Muscle tip: vary your training tempos and rap Ranges
I am a huge fan of lifting explosive to supercharge the nervous system and built power, but its not the only answer for building muscle.
Your muscles need Tension from heavy and  explosive lifts,but they also need metabolic stress and muscular damage to maximize muscle growth.
Start your workouts with an explosive exercises Like jumps or throws, move  to a pure strength movement for Greater tension, and then incorporate longer duration sets for more metabolic stress and muscular damage.
 The variation will challenge a greater number of muscle fibres to stimulate a greater growth response to help you accelerate hypertrophy.
Key to muscle gain: rest and recovery
You need to recover in order to get stronger and bigger. muscles grow when you rest, not when you workout.
Tip: There are three basic rules you need to follow for the most complete recovery.

1. Restoring Fluids and Minerals to recover from dehydration.
2. Replenishing glycogen, the body's primary energy source.
3.Reducing muscle and immune-system damage resulting  from the physical stress of exercise. that simply means getting at least 7 to 8 hours sleep and rest days between workouts.

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