The 3 Male Body Shapes

The 3 Male Body Shapes

It has always been assumed that compared to women, men have a much easier time when it comes to their body

Critics say that in popular culture, the stereotype of "look at men and women are seen" is strengthened.

Recently, research has indicated a change in the way men and women, men are starting to see Kaya. 

A psychological investigation in Britain found that the average person is a little afraid of the images around him. 

Researchers found that the propagation of advertising for products like underwear and Aftershave, featuring male models, makes the average man feel inferior and uncomfortable about his body in the same way as the way women have been representing the female body in advertising for decades Have felt in.

The study found that the emphasis on the fleshy body was born in the gay community and was transferred to the mainstream. 

Women were now being invited to look for men as equally as a "Look" or part of the superficial consumer culture for their physical characteristics. 

More gay men said that they felt pressurized according to images. Others said that they believed that women are not given equal importance to a physical attraction like men.

Also read - male body types

Three types of male body size

Your body shape basically comes in one of these three categories:

  • The characteristic of an ectomorph is a tall and thin/thin building. Men with this body shape are usually hard to gain weight due to a fast metabolism and they have to take more calories to gain weight.
  •  Endomorph is a more round construction with generous waist size. Men with this body shape usually increase weight, and without exercise, the weight is thicker than the muscles.
  • Mesomorph is a muscle and athletic construction. Men with this body-shaped weight gain more easily than ectomorphs.

Body Shape and Personality

There was a time when the personality was considered to be related to the size of the body. 

Actomorph was considered calm, and even to morons, endomorph was considered as Jolly, and mesomorphs were seen slightly on crude and vulgar sides. 

The books of Charles Dickens have such characteristics. Not surprisingly, this simplified association of body shapes with personality type has long been seen with suspicion.

Can a change in body shape be made?

Discontent with the size of the body is one of the main reasons that change the lifestyle of men. 

Usually, this involves increasing dietary changes and exercise, but recently cosmetic surgery has become the path to a new physical presence.

 Pectoral implants, calf transplantation, liposuction, and jaw increases are increasing Mango.

For those wishing to change lifestyle, the activities you choose have some effect on your morphology (size = size).

Developing Slim Body Shap

Aerobic exercises in which all muscle groups are included, such as running, yoga and swimming, is useful in slowing down and developing a lean production. 

Working at a steady rate of exercise and avoiding the rapid burst of activity is considered important.

Develop Muscular Body Shape

Separating each muscle group in return and working on the principle of small explosive bursts of activity is a basic principle. 

High weight exercises are required within a given muscle group, repeatedly with the cycle, as well as rest after having not been more than seven recurrences.

It is easy to develop around, endomorphic body shape: do not do any of the above, eat too much and do an as little exercise as possible! Obviously, this is not a recommended health alternative.

Body Shape and Aging

As the man is old, his metabolism slows down. Fat likes to gather around men's stomach, and when it gets stored easily, it can be difficult to change fat. 

"Medium age spread" can be dealt with by a sensible combination of exercise and healthy eating. 

During the period of time, most men will see dramatic improvements - especially if they focus on the asana.

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