Male Body Types

What is your body type? male body types

Male body types: What body type are you? how can you tell? Take our simple exam and learn! Know what the types and differences are in your body

Before you start your training and nutrition, it is a good idea to find out the type of your body what body type am I?

Knowing which type of closest you are among the three basic types of your body, will help you to improve your diet and exercise plan to meet your needs, and will set realistic, achievable goals that will be your success. Pave the way.

Examine your male body types, your ideal workout, and the best supplements for your goals!

What is my physical type?

There are three basic human male body types: endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph.

Despite this feeling so many times, you are not completely tied to one category or the other. Your lifestyle, genetics, history, and training style all play a role in how you look, and you can certainly change it over time.

they said many of us have some tendency towards one group or the other. Every one is typed here:


An ectomorph is thin and struggles to gain weight in male body types fat or muscle form. They can eat stacks of food and keep looking alike, even when reducing the weight of muscles is their biggest goal.

People who fight to achieve muscle mass are often known as "hard gains". Ectomorphs have a lean formation, long limbs, and small muscles bell.

Even if an ectomorph can manage to weigh on the weight, then they can still appear compared to skin, especially in calves and cells.

Having an ectomorph does not mean that you are weak, though. You can still be remarkably strong, and you can be fit and healthy as every bit as if someone looks bigger and more muscular.

But if you want to increase your weight, you will be better prepared to eat because you have never eaten before.


There is a mid-road construction in Mesomorph which takes the best of both worlds. They have wide shoulders, a narrow waist, relatively thin joints, and round muscles bell.

In essence, if you are mesomorph, then you have a natural tendency to be fit and relatively muscular. Does this mean that you can not do anything, eat everything and get away forever?

Not sure - and you do not necessarily be healthy with the other two types. But you may be able to get out of shape more easily, get muscles and burn fat easily, compared to other two male body types.


Endomorph goes to gain weight and keep on it. Their build is slightly wider than an ectomorph or mesomorph, with a thick ribbed, wide hip and small limbs.

They may have more muscle than other types of male body types, but they often struggle with male body types fat to achieve it without significant amounts.

If you ever feel that you are taking advantage of 5 pounds from the donut shop, you can be an endomorph.

It certainly does not mean that an endomorph cannot be healthy. They may be capable of being as strong, healthy and as two groups, and in fact, their muscles may have some strong advantages. But if they decide to be lean, then it will have to work hard!

Body types : 


  • narrow hips and clumps
  • Small joint (wrist/ankle)
  • Thin construction
  • Stretch muscle bell
  • Long organ

  • Wide Spaces
  • slim waist
  • Thin couples
  • Long and round muscles of the muscles

  • Blocky
  • Thick Rib Cage
  • Wide / Coarse Joints
  • Hip wide (or widespread)With a clap
  • Small limbs
What is the best way for my physical type?

Only you can say what your goals should be. Many great bodybuilders either started in the form of rail-thin ectomorphs or endomorphs who struggled with their weight.

They learned to control their natural tendencies and to control their lives, and you can do that!
He said you can very well find that you have the most success if you use your male body types for your benefit.

Ectomorphs: Eat too many proteins and carbs, lift heavy weight regularly with good form, and do not do aerobic activities. Just because you are thin does not mean that you are healthy, so take your diet and fitness seriously too!

Mesomorph: Take moderate weight on a regular basis, and engage in regular aerobic activities. Do not worry about being "heavy", but watch out to get bigger profits. You are not invincible for them!

Endomorphs: You can benefit from using moderate weight and maintaining a relatively fast training speed. Pumping your heart with some activity daily is a good idea for both health and calorie burn.

If you find yourself doing a lot of work and still increasing the weight, then the answer is probably in the kitchen.


Sometimes, you are a little bit more than that and slightly more than that. Like most training programs, the right program for in-builders can be a mix, so it is important to know who you are.

An ectomorph can naturally have huge arms and can be self-identified as a mesomorph, but there can be a difficult advantage everywhere.

In this case, the basic rules of training of ectomorph should still be followed, with a de-emphasis on upper arm isolation, in favor of the compound practice, if balance is one of the goals.

Similarly, a mesomorph with naturally thin arms, by mistake, could be bulking up those weapons, packed on the extra fuselage where it did not want to.

Even endomorphs may have slightly slender legs and tight glutes compared to their male body types, see themselves as mesomorphs and reduce the carbs without worry, slimmy athlete with a dietary intake More fitting.

The curse of in-builders is to see oneself less clearly, take sides on the type of body they want, and follow the wrong program. In-builders should know themselves and train them accordingly.

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