After the age of 40, women should take care of their health.

After the age of 40, women should take care of their health.

Apollo crew is being provided facilities of 50% exemption on women's health test from 12 to 18 May 2019 at all centers in Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Delhi.

Apollo Cradle said in a statement that it is said that the mother does not sleep, she keeps worrying only by closing her eyes. 

This shows the mother's love for her children and the sacrifice made for her. Hailing the mother's sacrifice, Apollo Craighall has been offering 50 percent exemption on women's health test from May 12 to 18, on the occasion of Mother's Day.

Apollo Cradle said that on this occasion, recreational activities include foot massage, photo, entertainment and advice from doctors.

Take care of your mother's health, who has done your health

Between the responsibilities of taking care of the family for years from the birth of a child, the running mothers are superheroes. 

To satisfy everyone's expectations, they sacrifice not only their own comfort but also their health. Now it is your turn to take care of mother's health.

Ramneek Mahajan, director of Max Hospital, Saket Orthopedics, said that Indian women are struggling with the problem of the knee and bone mass reaching the age of 50-reaching the age of 50. The reason for early arthritis in Indian women is the lack of nutrients and obesity.

Here is the suggestion of Ramnike Mahajan who can take better care of mothers by adopting them.

1. Identify early warning signs: 

You may have noticed many times by complaining about your mother's pain, stiffness and then ignoring it as a sign of aging. 

Consult the specialist in such a way. From the beginning of the knee in the morning to the pain, clogging, locking and popping, until swelling of the joints, this can be signs of arthritis, which is a progressive joint condition, and most Indian women ignore these signs.

2. Identification at the right time: 

Women go to the doctor only when this condition reaches the stage where pain becomes unbearable. 

Remember that having a delay can increase the damage to the joints several times. 

If it is treated in the early stages, then with the help of traditional treatments this situation can be delayed.

3. Weight Watchers: 

Overweight is one of the most important risk factors for arthritis in Indian women. Our additions are designed to some extent weight lifting. 

Every 1 kg of extra weight can put four times the pressure on the knees. Overweight can harm the joints, so proper weight means healthier addition.

4. 30-minute walk: 

30 minutes of walk every day can be beneficial for the health of bones and joints.

5. Take small injuries seriously: 

We often ignore minor injuries around the joints. It can cause harmful conditions, such as arthritis in the future. 

If the pain is happening repeatedly, consult a specialist. We often see such patients where joint injections cause joint degeneration.

6. Keep the body on the potters: 

Look for the wrong poster, the joints, especially on the knee extra burden. The knee is the highest weight tolerant joint in the body. 

It can cause knee pain. Keeping the right posture, taking a break between the intervals during work, stretching regularly and fine-tuning your posture helps reduce knee pain.

7. Tell no Painkillers: 

Taking medicines from our own country is a common problem. Generally, we often resort to painkillers without consulting the doctor if there is a pain in the body. 

Although painkillers give us instant relief from pain but do not treat the condition. This can lead to many co-morbid conditions, 

so if you see your mom taking painkillers for joint pain, then go straight to the Orthopathist and test them.

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