causes of belly fat-growing belly fat

Causes Of Fat – Growing Belly Fat

To defeat obesity we must first identify the causes of fat. The belly fat growing process is something that all of us face in varying degrees at one time or another.

The average person has between 30 and 35 billion fat cells, but most of these cells are so small and light that they do not constitute over 20 percent of total body weight.

However, if you ingest more food energy than you expend, those fat cells can grow your tummy so big they’ll turn around and bite you.

The formation of fat cells occurs most commonly between the ages of 12 and 18 months and again at 12 through 16 years of age. Excessive weight gain during these times can increase the number of fat cells, and this surge usually results in serious long-term difficulties.

Certain environmental factors can also be the causes of fat. For an instant, if an adult achieves a weight that is 50 or 60 percent above his or her ideal weight, this excess can elicit an increase in the number of fat cells.

Pregnancy can cause proliferation of fat cells through a combination of hormonal fluctuations and an over ingestion of calories. Regardless of what causes fat cells, once formed they are there for good.
We cannot burn them off by diet and exercise, although we can decrease their contents.

These fat cells will always be ready to jump on any opportunity to expand, and hence we see the 90 percent rate of recidivism in those who lose weight.

The best advice I can give to anyone is not to let yourself become fat to begin with, for this obesity sets a trend that is not easily undone.

As for myself, when achieved the weight that wanted on my abs diet, even with a clean diet and abdominal exercises, still had as many dormant fat cells in my body waiting to expand.

Also, read
Belly Fat Growing

Some of us are preordained to be fat. I was born weighing almost 10 pounds. Even given identical diets, some people will get fat while others will not.
Clearly important genetics factors in the causes of fat are involved, and these are heavily weighted toward the maternal side. If a mother is obese there is a 75 percent chance that her children will be overweight.

If a mother is thin, so too will be most of her children. The reason for this pattern is probably that we inherit from our mothers the biochemical factors governing activity in our mitochondria. The mitochondria contain our cells energy production mechanisms, and if they are very efficient one will tend to need less food energy.

Thus an energy conservation trait that has a high survival benefit during times of low food availability can become a curse when food is plentiful.

Some of the increased energy efficiency in obese subjects is evident in measurements of metabolic activity. I have a normal body temperature one degree lower than the average, which makes my system, per unit of weight, require slightly less energy than does the system of someone who has a normal body temperature.

A lower body temperature slows one’s ability to utilize fat calories, so my system is very much biased toward storing energy. As a result dieting and maintaining weight loss is a terrible ordeal for anyone who has a genetic tendency toward obesity.

Age also tends to lower our metabolic rate, and that is why older people slowly become obese despite maintaining a consistent dietary intake.

We now know what defines obesity and what the causes of fat are. So what is the appropriate way to approach the belly fat growing problem. A well design abs diet , which everyone including athletes should understand.

After all dieting is not just for the obese, as is evident when bodybuilders must increase their definition to get ripped 6 pack abs for an upcoming competition.

A proper abdominal exercises routine is also a must. One that encourages fat loss in the belly while not creating a stomach bulge from abs muscle growing too fast.
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