how to lose belly fat

How To Lose Belly Fat Strategies.

Years of scientific research accompanied by real people using different strategies in everyday life has enabled us to see what really works and what thousands of people have discovered on how to lose belly fat.

Eat Breakfast. 

The easiest thing to start out with on how to lose belly fat is to eat breakfast and stop eating late at night. Most people that don’t eat breakfast end up not eating enough calories during the day which they compensate for at night. Leaving those calories to sit and be turned into stomach fat during the night.

how to lose belly fat

Eating breakfast only makes sense. You have a whole day of energy to fuel up for. In a recent study, two groups were given similar calorie diets to eat every day. The group that started the day with a high protein 600 calorie breakfast lost more belly fat than the subjects that ate a low protein 300 calorie breakfast. Group 1 also had more energy during the day and an average weight loss of 38 pounds each over the other group who reported a 19-pound average weight loss.

Cut out refined sugars and grains. 

These are what we call empty calories or junk food. What they do is the spike up your blood sugar too fast because they contain fast absorbing carbs which are easily turned into fat. They don’t offer sustained energy leaving you feeling tired and hungry all the time.

how to lose belly fat

Foods like sodas, potato chips, candy and white bread should be avoided. Also sugar in any form like cane or corn syrup, sucrose, and refined flour. Remember if it doesn’t say whole wheat don’t eat it.

Eat vegetables and fruits as snacks instead. They are high in fiber, contain healthy antioxidants and more importantly are low in calories.

Balanced Diet. 

This means your belly fat diet should include more protein, high fiber produce, whole grains and healthy fats.

how to lose belly fat

-Protein feeds and maintains your muscles. The fewer muscles your body burns for energy the more fat it will burn.

-Fibers make you feel full longer. Plus it slows down carbohydrates absorption in your blood giving you more energy longer.

-Healthy fats like omega-3 provide nutrients to vital body organs. They taste good which will help you stick to your belly fat diet.

While dieting alone is a good way to lose fat, exercise is the most effective way to get rid of visceral fat. Studies have shown that people who diet and exercise reduce visceral fat by 18 percent more than dieters alone.

Cardiovascular Activity 

 is a great way on how to lose belly fat. Intervals are gaining more and more popularity based on numerous study that shows they are more effective than conventional aerobics.

Intervals are short but intense burst of energy followed by a less intense activity. For example, you would ride the elliptical machine at about 90% intensity for 3 minutes, then slow it down to about 30% intensity for 2 minutes. Repeat this for 8-10 times.

Studies showed that this method burns fatter and gets you in shape faster than a longer session of 50 to 60% intensity. The reason is that it activates a similar effect to weight training making your body burn fat calories long after you have finished exercising.

Strength Training 

at least 2-3 times a week. This is a great calorie burner but also will boost your metabolism. A lot of you, however, are intimidated to go to the gym and look out of place in front of the regulars.


 is the key that brings it all together on how to lose belly fat. Without motivation, you will not have any consistency and the tips above become as worthless as the latest belly buster gizmo.
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August 30, 2018 at 3:51 AM ×


Congrats bro TECHNICAL ASAD you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...