bodyweight shoulder exercises

bodyweight shoulder exercises
bodyweight shoulder exercises

Bodyweight shoulder exercises

Exercise: 5
Total Set: 1
Total minutes: 10
For the best: muscles
Physical goal: shoulder

With this workout, you will not blast your shoulders apart from your bodyweight. It's so easy and it takes only 10 minutes.

How to do this: Perform these exercises in the form of circuits. For each move, complete as many representatives as you can in 1 minute. If you can not go in the entire minute, rest a few seconds and then start again in that practice until your time is up. Relax 1 minute between each trick.
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Exercise no.1(Pullup)

bodyweight shoulder exercises

Goals: Lats
Tool: pullup bar

Hold a pull-up bar with an overhand hold that is slightly larger than the width of the shoulder.

Hang on the length of the hand - it is also known as a dead hang - which indicates a little before you to make your legs wide. Now press your thighs together and bind your stomach; Your body should remain harsh for the whole movement.

Drag your elbows onto your ribs and squeeze the shoulder blade together. As soon as you pull yourself, imagine that you are pressing on top of the bar. Look straight ahead and drag until you touch your neck or upper chest bar.
Stop, and then gradually reduce yourself to hang a dead.

Exercise no.2(Pike Pushup)

bodyweight shoulder exercises
(pike pushup)

Goals: chest, shoulders
Tool: Bodyweight

Consider a pushup position on the floor. Your arms should be straight and shoulders should be different from your hands.

Now lift your hips so your body is upside down. V. Your legs and arms should be as close as possible.

Tilt your elbows and reduce your upper body until the floor touches the top of your head. Stop, and then press your arms straight till your arms are not straight.

Exercise no.3( Inverted Row)

bodyweight shoulder exercises
(Inverted Row)

Goals: Upper Back
Tool: pull-up bar, barbell

Protect the Smith machine or power rack once at the hip height. Hold the bar with an overhand hold, facing away from the palms. Hang your arms upright and keep your hands straight above your shoulders. Keep your feet straight (hard) or draw your legs close to your body (easy).

Begin the movement by pulling back the shoulder of your shoulder, then drag your chest with your arms to raise your chest in the bar. Try to keep your wrist straight - do not curl them all the time.

Stop, then gradually reduce your body to the starting position. She is the 1 representative.

Exercise no.4(Pushup)

bodyweight shoulder exercises

Goal: chest
Equipment: Bodyweight

Get off on all fours and place your hands on the floor so that they are a bit wider than your shoulders.

Squeeze your glutes and bind your stomach - as if you were going to screw in the intestine. Maintain these contractions for the duration of this exercise.

Your body should make straight lines on your head straight from your angles.
Reduce your body until your chest touches the floor. 

Hold downward, and then push back to the starting position as soon as possible. She is the 1 representative.

Exercise no.5(Side-Plank)

bodyweight shoulder exercises

Goal: Core, Upper Back
Equipment: Bodyweight

Lie on your left side with your knees directly. Propose your body on your left elbow and forearm. Increase your right hand until it is not vertical with your torso. Your body needs to T

Brace your core by contracting your stomach firmly as if you were going to have fun in the intestine. Raise your hips until your body becomes straight line from your knees straight to your shoulders. Take a deep breath.

Hold this position for the scheduled time.
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