intermittent fasting results

intermittent fasting results,
Intermittent Fasting Results

Intermittent Fasting Great Results


I am telling the top 5 methods Fasting when fasting allows you to burn fat, If you have already tried to make temporary fast and you did it correctly, then you probably have seen some great results already.

 1) Intermittent Fasting to Burn Fat 

intermittent fasting results,
intermittent fasting results

You may have lost some body fat, maybe a few pounds on the scale have been lost, and you have become more productive in the process .... which is very good. 

But I know that without spending more time in the gym or in the kitchen you can double your results or triple, you will be happy to learn. Am I right...?

I think I am right. So let's start with the first move ... When you break your fast, during your feeding window you want to stick to foods that do not accelerate your blood glucose, and more importantly your Do not spike the levels of insulin. 

And those two things are not always the same. As many of you already know that one of the major benefits of fasting is that it will allow you to reduce your insulin levels. Insulin is a fat storage hormone that acts as a bridge between your cells and the nutrients that come into your body.

Your body will also prevent fat from burning when the level of insulin is high. When we fast, we are not only reducing calories from eating, even if fasting is definitely the main goal of fasting for fat loss, reducing the level of insulin.

 And actually, there is not really any better solution to do this when you do not just eat your body, the level of insulin is naturally at its lowest level. However, most people do not realize that if your breakfast, you can increase your blood glucose and insulin levels so that your body can actually store fat rather than store fat. 

So, if you want to burn fat at the fastest rate, then keeping your target rapidly after breaking your pace, you have to keep your insulin levels low. 

We can take a decision on understanding some basic principles and then what they can eat during their feeding window around those important concepts. 

First be clear from the way... Sweet, processed foods and junk food will increase the highest speed while providing the highest nutrient to your insulin level. 
So if you want to burn fat only after breaking your sharp stick, then only for real healthy foods. 

While avoiding the internal Alice, you will find most of these foods sticking to your local grocery store or the outskirts of the supermarket. 

After this, you have to know that carbohydrate has the biggest effect on your insulin level, some types of dairy are equally large in effect, other sources of protein have a minor effect, and fat is the smallest effect.

After not being susceptible to carbohydrate and dairy after breaking your fast, you will stay miles away from most people already. 

Since fasting is considered a flexible dietary structure, I do not want you to limit anything to your carbs or dairy. By doing this in fact you probably want to make them even more. 

Instead, I want you to break your fast with a large serving of vegetables to fill your stomach and take your edge off of hunger. Then go to your protein and fat sources, and if you are still hungry you can go to some low glycemic carbohydrate and dairy.

This will allow you to actually think about it and restrict your insulin spikes without restrictions during your feeding window.

 Let's move on to the second way of rapidly burning fat which goes hand in hand with the first tip.

I am talking about Cato fasting. Cato fast is a combination of ketogenic diet and fasting. 

This will make your diet a bit less flexible because you have to follow a certified macronutrient split, but it is an incredibly effective way to speed up the amount of fat loss. 

Here you will start by establishing a regular interval fasting and feeding window. A common example is to break your fast at 1 o'clock and then switch back to fast at 9 o'clock.

But during that 8-hour feeding window, with this method, you really want to keep your carbohydrate consumption below only 5 to 10 percent of your total daily calorie intake. 

This means that no grains, no starch veggies, and only berries for their fruit.

You also want to keep your protein intake around 15 to 20 percent of your daily intake because the protein is also insulinogenic, and your fat should be approximately 75 percent of your total caloric intake. With this kind of macronutrient division.

2) Intermittent Fasting meal plan

intermittent fasting results,
meal plan

What people are doing, I'm giving you here a complete step-by-step guide to burning fat with an interval fast diet plan. 

I'm not only telling you to eat, but in fact, you need to eat a bunch of fat for your body, reduce some weight, and eat some lean muscle mass

So this is going to be a completely adaptable temporary fast food meal that will break any confusion about temporary fast. 

Actually, this topic is a complete guide, so after reading this whole topic you will not need to read another temporary fasting topics because it will teach you how to step-by-step it for yourself. 

If you want to thank me just follow me at the end of the topic.

For temporary fast you can feed the warrior diet, lean gains or 16/8 method, 5: 2; And Omd or one-day diet to list only a few. 

Once you choose your temporary fasting diet plan, it is time to understand your fasting program for maximum fat loss.

Intermediate Fast Meal Plan

intermittent meal plan,
meal plan

Food 1 - 12-2 pm - 30% of calories

Meal 2 - 3-6 pm - 30% of calories

Meal 3 - 6-9 pm - 40% of calories

Dinner Lovers:

Food 1 - 12-2 pm - 30% of calories

Meal 2 - 3-6 pm - 20% of calories

Meal 3 - 6-9 pm - 50% of the calories

Breakfast Lovers:

Food 1 - 12-2 pm - 60% of calories

Food 2 - 3-6 pm - 15% of calories

Meal 3 - 6-9 pm - 25% of calories

Dinner Fiend:

Food 1 - 12-2 pm - 30% of calories

Meal 2 - 6-9 pm - 70% of calories

Breakfast Fiend:

Meal 1 - 12-2 pm - 70% of calories

Meal 2 - 6-9 pm - 30% of calories

For my diet plan, I chose to divide the lean profit dinner lovers, and my IF diet was cutting bites:

2245 calories | 168g Protein | 224g carbs. 75 g fat

Food 1 = 30% Calories = 50 grams of protein. 67g Carbs | 22g fat

Meal 2 = 70% Calories = 118g Protein | 157g carbs. 53g fat

The food choices I have selected for my prepay are listed below:

Food 1 (late BREAKFAST 12-2):

-3 slices of Ezekiel bread

240 Seals | 12g protein | 42g Carbs | 1.5 g fat

-3 whole eggs

220 Cals | 19g protein | 1g Carbs | 15g fat

-7 tablespoon PB2

158 CALS | 17.5 g protein. 17.5g Carbs | 4g fat

-1 cup broccoli

30 Cals | 2.5 g protein 6g Carbs | 0.5 g fat

Total: 51 g protein | 66.5 g carbs. 21g fat

Dining 2 (dinner):

-10oz Yum

335 cals | 4g Protein | 80g carbs 0g fat

Salon's Big 15oz Can

560 Cals | 91g Protein | 0g carbs | 21g fat

-1/2 Cup Phase Total Plain Greek Curd

95 Cals | 6g protein | 4g Carbs | 10g fat

-3 tbsp Parmesan Paneer

66 Cals | 6g protein | 0g carbs | 4.5g fat

-1 cup green beans

32 Calls | 1g Protein | 7g Carbs | 0g fat

-1/2 cup green onion

20 Cals | 1g Protein | 4g Carbs | 0g fat

-1.5 cup black cherry ice cream

390 cals | 6g protein | 51g Carbs | 18g fat

Total: 115 grams protein | 146 G Carbs | 53.5 g fat

If you follow the same steps, then I will be able to scratch my own temporary fasting diet plan.

3) Intermittent Fasting mistakes

intermittent fasting results,
intermittent fasting mistakes

Most of you have heard about temporary fast and you have probably heard that fasting can help you burn fat, lose some weight, and become more productive all day, while still enjoying a more satisfying meal But most of you probably do not know that if you set your temporary fasting plan in the wrong place, then it can reproach you instead of being lean.

So in this topic, I want to go beyond 5 of the top 5 temporary fasting mistakes so that you can avoid them and get the fastest results.

And the last mistake is that you probably have never considered, so make sure that you stay with me through this topic. 

The first mistake that I want to go, is to do with the lack of patience of the people. 

So many people start fasting and they can think that they want to lose weight or body fat and what is the fastest way to do it.

So what do they do that they do not share part of the day or day and at the end when they are feeding the window they come and they are finally allowed to eat, even when they have to seriously ban the calories. 

One of my favorite things about fasting is that it teaches you how to listen to your body and how to eat normally without thinking about every last calorie. This is what allows long periods of fasting to provide a proper lifestyle diet approach. 

Fasting allows you to re-fill your body when you stop eating when you are finished. 

But many people who think that they are going to get results, even if they get permission to eat they continue to be deprived of food. Not only is it physically stressful on your body but it is also mentally stressful on your will and your mind.

For a long time, it is completely unstable and most likely you will lead to a big bad Bing. And Binging can take you down into the spiral which causes you to get body fat back, which you can lose from fast. 

To prevent this, be sure to allow you to eat sensible options until you have completed yourself.

As long as you keep the actual natural single-component foods, you will feel full before your total daily allocated calories. 

There is undoubtedly the issue of going in the opposite direction and it takes us into the mistake number two, which is definitely one of the worst mistakes you can make and as soon as your fast window is over.

Many of you especially if you are new to fasting, then you can stay there every day until you finally allow me to eat. 

During that waiting your brain is giving you all kinds of suggestions that you will be able to help you to be satisfied and satisfied as soon as you can, and unfortunately most of them are going to be junk food that you are mentally obsessive And are craving.

Even if you eat fewer meals every day, whenever you eat, you will not get more results to bind and satisfy your unhealthy cravings.

But do not worry, there are some simple tips that can help you avoid Binging every time you eat.

First of all, when your brand is new to fasting and your first startup ensures that you are tracking your calories and macros to ensure that you are not going to your daily allocated calories. 

If you do not know if you need calories and macros for fat loss, then you can use google calorie calculator. 

And then after eating, you can just plug in whatever you have eaten and make sure that you have not gone on your yoga.

What will happen if you do not want to track your calories in your macros, then the other thing you can do is to prepare food in the fridge prepared beforehand and be ready to go. 

By preparing food you will have to undergo a serious process of cooking for a long time after fasting because many of you will start eating food easier to reach the junk food during cooking. 

If you start eating junk food while preparing a healthy meal by the time of cooking, you sometimes wolf up to five hundred in every way to thousands of calories. 

So do not tax on your willpower is ready to go to healthy meals. To help you with this issue, my last tactic is really to be included in your desires, but only after having trusted one healthy diet. 

Eat your vegetables after your protein source after the fruit and your healthy carbo source, then you can finally make space for snacks and craving.

Keeping in mind temporary fasting works because after all, you eat less, fasting can give you more.

4) Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss & Burning Fat

intermittent fasting results,
Intermittent Fasting benefits

There are some major advantages that temporal fasting is more than regular diet plans for fat loss regularly. 

Even now this topic is in favor of temporary fasting, it does not mean that regular meal plans where you eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day, can not work for some people too. It is very dependent on the person. 

In the last few years, I personally prefer temporary fasting, and the reason is that I think this style of eating is the number one benefit.

The amount of free time that it gives you other things. When you are on a traditional diet plan, you feel that you are the clock and the fridge slab. You will have to eat every two hours. Whether you are hungry or not ... boom time to eat. 

With temporary fast, you have 1-3 meals for the day and you worry about food. The big thing about this is that not only will you have to face your face every 2-3 hours, but you will also be able to focus and tamper. 

If you are busy with work or anything else, then you will be able to concentrate fully on that task and not worry about distortions that come with eating small meals throughout the day.

Leaving breakfast and hunger with afternoon appetite will focus more on you. Some evolutionary adaptations have enabled us to focus more on being able to find and obtain food when hungry.

Another great benefit of interval fasting is that not only will you be better off working on the whole stomach than leaving the snack and exercising early, but you will be able to burn more fat than your exercise. 

When you work on an empty stomach, you burn 300% more calories than fat in opposing to working in a Fed state. 

Whether you work out weight training or cardio before breakfast, you will be able to increase your chances of targeting your fat stores rather than using your digestive calories for energy. 

Many people try to lose weight after consuming a huge breakfast after killing a gym. This is not a good idea to lose weight, because all the foods that are eaten for breakfast will be converted into carbon glycogen, and will be used for energy for your exercise.

You like this kind of energy on the energy received from breaking the body fat. So if you are doing a huge breakfast before your workout, then you can hurt yourself by the percentage of fat that you can burn. 

Temporary fasting cannot be found by working on an empty stomach and eating it later in the day.

After all, one of my favorite benefits of fasting is that when you have time to eat then you are able to get more satisfying food.

Dinner at most diets may seem very boring, but if you plan accordingly your macros, then it should not be in the case of temporary fasting.

If you want a big dinner, you just have to make sure that you save enough calories throughout the day so that you do not need weight loss calories with one or two huge meals. 

If you eat only two large meals for the day, for example, it means that every meal can have 600 calories and you will still be only 1200 calories. 

There is very little calorie intake for the day and almost any weight will be reduced. If you have a high number that you can hit and still lose weight such as 1500 calories, for example, you get more room. 

This means that if you only consume two meals for the duration of 6-8 hours, you can keep 750 calories per meal. 

Just thought of giving me food with 1 cup mashed potato, 214 calories, 5 oz of salmon steak, 295 calories, 1 cup broccoli, 31 calories, and 3/4 cups of vanilla ice cream, 102 + 137 = 240. There are approximately 750 calories.

So, the fact is that you can still eat food that fills you and you do not really feel like exercising, which is one of my favorite benefits of a temporary fasting approach.

5) Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting (AVOID THESE)

intermittent fasting results,
side effects(avoid these)

We all know that temporary fast is very good and everything is certain that I am not alone, who has ever thought that someone ....... has negative effects.

But this is definitely something you should be aware of, especially if you are just beginning, so you know what to expect. Well I am a fan of temporary fasting and I do it myself all the time but fasting and opposition also fast for every dietary diet. 

Let's start the most obvious of all those side effects that crave hunger and what you can do about it.

If you transition to fast, but you use to eat three squares of food a day or if you use 5 meals or 6 meals, you either need to leave the breakfast or to leave a little appetite Feeling the transition dinner Your body is used in your normal routine eating program.

It releases hormones during the day you usually eat the signals hungry and your body also increases stomach acid during those times. 

So it will take some time to customize your body. You can do some things to reduce your appetite, talking about the most about leaving breakfast and drinking coffee.

And even if the coffee is hungry to affect my appetite for reducing hunger. But it can be ensured that help and if you decide to take coffee, just make sure that you have no cream or sugar in your coffee.

The best way to stop hunger is not trying to do everything at the same time. Many people try to cut carbs, ban the calories, to speed up and go to the ketoscope at the same time. Will you lose fat fast........

No ... this is going to bring you fast. If you are going to try to do temporary fast then do not cut your carbs at the same time. 

If you want to add carb cutting along with temporary fast after you have already adjusted, then you can do so that you can also plan a Cato style Intermediate Fasting Diet. But I will not start with it.

Many people do that mistake and this is only hungry, which just binds you and then fails in your diet. 

The next potential side effect is a headache. 

This is another thing that will not last, but when people start fasting, it is very common for them to get a headache which comes and goes because their body is still using it in their new food program... By staying hydrated, you can help prevent some of these headaches.

But they should go away. A side effect that applies for long periods of time is that you can reduce your strength and overall performance. Although this does not really apply to temporary fasting because you are fasting for only 16 hours. 

You may have a slight decrease in strength when you first start, but as soon as you optimize your strength, it should be backed up directly. 

Now if you are fasting at a time that changes things, you will lose athletic performance.

Another major side effect is passion which was not designed for temporary fasting. People are passionate about small things. For example, some people will sit there and wait for 10 minutes because they are scared for breakfast 10 minutes ago. 

That crazy interval is a form of fasting flexible diet. These catalysts certainly did not want to have your passion and fasting on the windows. They tried to get away from a restrictive diet model. 

If you are in the restaurant with your family after fasting for 7 hours or even for six hours and you have to break it that day, then this is not the end of the world.

First of all, you can balance your macros in any way and you can go back to fasting the next day. Do not Pass on Minor Things Remember that temporary fasting works because it helps keep your insulin levels low and helps you control the amount of calorie intake for the day. 

There are many ways that you can still do during the day where you are forced to break your fast. This is not really a big deal. 

whether it is a heartbeat or not, this is a very real side effect which can be due to fasting. 

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September 6, 2018 at 4:11 AM ×

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Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...