increase blood flow


Best Supplements to increase blood flow Blood Flow

           They’re okay to short term to quickly increase blood flow should you run into a blood clot or something similar. However, it’s not a long-term solution by any means. 

Lifestyle improvements – Better diet, more exercise, stress management and losing weight are all  very important – simply for a healthier life. also read

Unfortunately, for many people – lifestyle improvements take a lot of effort, time and money. Sadly, most people just aren’t patient enough to wait for improvements.

Additionally, the resulting improvement in circulation, isn’t very big. So people are left disappointed and frustrated.

A Faster, Easier Solution :
          And this is where supplements come in. The correct herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals, can dramatically increase your blood flow quickly and naturally, in a short amount of time … with the least amount of effort.And this is what we all want.

And because of this, people are able to increase their blood flow and strengthen their blood vessels and KEEP it that way daily, month after month… year after year.

So in doing the researches on people are clinically proven to improve blood flow:

4 Proven Herbs :-

Let’s first start with the top 4 clinically proven herbal extracts.
1)Ginger (Standardized Extract 15%)

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> Ginger promotes an anti-inflammatory response.

> Fight against atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries.

> Inhibits abnormal platelet aggregation, which is a part of blood that can "clump" together and cause blood clotting.

> Increase contractile strength of the heart (strengthens the heart muscle)also see

2)Nattokinase :
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> It fights Fibrin Buildup, which is an insoluble protein that impedes flow of blood (not what you want)

> Nattokinase is nature’s very own natural blood thinner known to support healthy blood pressure and improve circulation to every part of your body, so you can feel young and energized.

3)Green Tea Extract (98% Polyphenols, 50% EGCG)

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> Contains potent natural antioxidants catechins and flavonoids, which decrease plaque buildup in your arteries.

> Improves blood flow by increasing production of nitric oxide, promoting vasodilation.

> Improves both cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

4)White Willow Extract (25% Salicin) :

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> Natural form of aspirin, but without the negative side-effects.

> Helps thin the blood

> Reduces inflammation

Amino Acids :
 In addition to herbs, we have 4 specific amino acids you should take.

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N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC)This is a very important amino acid because it helps remove heavy metals and toxins, helps cleanse your kidneys and boosts your immune system.

Even though NAC helps improve blood flow, the main reason I use it is because it helps cleanse your blood and decreases toxins. Having clean blood is just as important as good circulation.

L-Carnitine Blend :
 Carnitine is an amino acid that has many heart health benefits. 
 However, a special blend of Acetyl L-Carnitine, Glycine Propionyl L-Carnitine (GPLC) and L-Carnitine Fumarate have been scientifically proven to -

> increased blood flow to the brain.

> Increased oxygenation of heart tissue.

> increase blood flow to vascular tissue.

> Reduce hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

So the combination of these 3 forms of Carnitine can be magical in results.

Vitamins & Minerals :
 Let’s not forget our vitamins and minerals. The top 4 most important ones are:

> Magnesium blend

> Vitamin K2-7

> Vitamin D3

> Vitamin E

What’s The Best Sleep Position For Better Blood Flow & Circulation?

         Most people when they get into bed, they don’t give much thought about their sleep position.

They pick whatever they’re most comfortable with. Besides, most people toss and turn throughout the night, so however you may start, usually won’t be the same as when you wake up.

some people always sleep on their back. Sleeping on their stomach hurts their lower back and neck. Sleeping on their sides hurts their's shoulders.

But if you’re concerned about improving your blood flow and circulation, especially to your heart, then the best position to sleep on is your LEFT side.

This is because when your heart pumps blood out to your body, it gets circulated and then flows back to your right side of your heart.

But if you sleep on your right side, the pressure of your body smashes up against the blood vessels and makes it more difficult to get the blood back to your heart. 

Basically, it’s more work for your heart.

If you’re older or have a weak heart or plaque buildup your arteries, then this really puts a lot more pressure and stress and could result in a heart attack or stroke while sleeping.

This is also why pregnant women are told to sleep on their left side. 

The baby is taking up the room and is pushing the mom’s organs upward, so there is less space.

The mother’s heart is already working harder during the pregnancy. So sleeping on the right side, where there is already less space and extra pressure from the organs being smashed together because of the baby, could hinder blood flow to the mom’s heart, as well as the baby’s.

And if you’re going to sleep on your side, you may consider using a body pillow for extra support and comfort. also read

What are the best treatments for improving blood flow and circulation?

In order to get the fastest results, we need to first AVOID some common situations that cause poor circulation and then make small lifestyle changes that will dramatically IMPROVE your blood flow.

What To Avoid :

> If you smoke cigarettes, you must stop. 

> You need to eliminate or reduce simple carbohydrates and sugars because they increase your blood sugar and insulin levels and that deteriorates the lining of your blood vessels over time.

Reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

> Avoid long periods of immobility. 

> If you’re sitting behind the computer or desk or sofa all day long, you need to get up and move every hour or so.

Avoid hydrogenated and unhealthy fats. 

These are cooked fats and oils, usually found in processed foods, which cause inflammation and thus, reduced blood flow.

What To Improve :

 > Drink more water because it dilutes your blood and improves circulation. 
You should drink at least half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 oz daily. 

> Add in some lemon juice for taste and to also reduce acidity and inflammation.

> You need to move more often. Any form of daily exercise is great. Lifting weights is the best. Dancing, going in the pool, playing sports, etc. are all great. And the simplest and easiest is daily walking. The goal is 20-30 minutes of daily working. But even starting with 10-15 minutes, 3x a week is a great start.

> If you can afford getting a massage, that would be great. If you’re in a relationship, maybe you can get your significant other to give you the occasional massage.

> Elevating your legs and hanging upside down on an inversion board is also very beneficial.

> Finally, there are specific herbs, vitamins and minerals that are clinically proven to help improve circulation and blood flow. 

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