some post exercises tips

                     Post exercise tips

Why you should cool down after exercising:-

Many people no warming up is important before you exercise. they understand the need for warming up the muscles, getting the blood moving, and why your joints should be loosened up. however, fewer people comprehend that cooling down after the workout is just as important.

Many times they blame their soreness on working out too Hard when the truth is they just didn't cool down like they needed to. this article takes a closer look how to cool down properly and why it's necessary.

Properly cooling down is important as it is a transition for your body from prolonged activity to a state of rest if you stop cold Turkey style, your muscles won’t adjust properly to the inactivity, and may seize up. this causes a failure to expel the lactic acid built up in your muscles, causing that familiar sore and aching feeling the day after.

 If you want to prevent these feelings, you should complete this cool down procedure to ensure the best recovery. begin with good, solid stretching of the muscles you just used. if you just finished running, you should walk until you can breathe without trouble. then complete a series of leg stretches, using about 5 minutes to go through all the muscles.

If you just finished a session of lifting weights, those muscles should be stretched out. your muscles can weaken and elongate if you  stretch out before you start and be counterproductive to your workout. but, if you stretch afterwards, cramps and aches can be avoided.

The cool down process is an important part of your workout. particularly after a tough one.while  most folks understand the benefits of warming up for beforehand, they don't know you should stretch afterwards to allow your body to adjust from active to resting with as little pain as possible.

Get rid of those exercise cramps:-

One of the best ways to stay fit is regular exercise.not only does it burn those calories, it also improve your circulatory system. muscle cramps are an unfortunate side effect of exercise,though.good news is there are plenty of studies out there that after all natural solutions to his problem.

Muscle cramps generally feel like someone has grabbed, your muscle and is squeezing the left out of it. the cramp itself can last for what feels like an eternity, but usually no longer than a minute or two, if that long.

Sometimes the pain of a cramp can last long after the cramp actually goes away, even up to a couple  of days. they are common in people who participate in endurance competitions search and marathons and triathlons. Sometimes they can be used by something as simple as sitting in a cramped airline seat.

There have been various studies on the cause of cramps but no one has come up with a definitive answer. There are several theories, however. these include dehydration, low minerals such as potassium, calcium and sodium, and just plain old  fatigue. it could be 1 or it could be a combination of any or all of them.

Warming up before an activity and stretching  afterwards goes a long way towards preventing muscle cramps. however, there are times  when these don't help. one good choice for these times is biofreeze pain reliever.

Three tips for women to lose weight:-

When it comes to losing weight,Women are much different than men. women's body are different from men’s in many ways. these difference need to be considered when planning a weight loss regimen. Here are 3 proven processes for females to shed  those pounds.

  1. Eat Healthy : Yes, this is not different than for men, but women have to compensate for their different hormones and the various hormonal changes the encounter throughout the course of a month.

Food should be high in fibres. these include vegetables and fruits. however, this should not be the only foods eaten as this could lead to an unbalanced diet. Meats  such as chicken and fish should be included for their proteins.

Carbohydrates and fats should also be included to give you that extra energy boost you need while exercising. however, make sure you don't overdo these two. A diet with too many fat and carbs could counteract your exercise.

     2.  Exercise:- Again, this is not much different from men, either. however, the types of
exercises should be different. men can usually concentrate on building muscles  in their workouts with a little bit of cardio thrown in.

Women should focus on cardio work with a little bit of weight training thrown in. not only does it help you lose weight, but exercise can also help with cramping during that time of the month, too.

       3. Talk with your doctor: If you want to lose weight, make sure you consult with your doctor. They will be able to explain all the different things you will need to do to lose weight. They may even conduct a physical on you to make sure you are healthy enough for exercise. A doctor can also give you excellent advice on things you should include in your diet to help you lose weight.

Weight  loss tips for men:-

The basic premise of weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in. however, The different sexes have different needs when it comes to calories. men have more muscle mass so they need more calories than women, even when trying to lose weight. ideally, a healthy weight loss is no more than 2 Pounds per week. any weight loss plan should include healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and dietary fibres such as whole grains. lean meats such as chicken and pork should also be included. they provide protein which helps curb your appetite and also help build fat burning muscle. drinking water throughout the day is also important. it boosts Your metabolism and also helps control your appetite. many times that hunger pang  you are feeling is actually thirst.

Controlling your caloric intake is important to weight loss in men. by eating fewer calories every day, you can lose weight. however, this can be difficult at times.often people try the latest fad diets which cannot be sustained. they even skip meals or stop eating completely. eventually your body will shift to ‘’ starvation’’  mode and slow down your metabolism so it can conserve calories. not only will you not lose weight, you can also cause damage to vital organs.

One way to cut back while keeping your metabolism going is to eat 6 meals a day. not large meals, but enough to satisfy your hunger. eventually, you may be able to cut this back to 4 small meals and a couple healthy snacks to get you through the day.

Exercise is another important piece to weight loss in men. cardiovascular exercise is import for your metabolism. strength training builds muscles. which will burn more calories. you should try to exercise 30-40  minutes a day at least three days a week .you should also vary your routine so your body will continue to burn calories throughout the day.

Your Body Is A Remarkable machine. but, like most machine, it requires fuel and maintenance to run properly. it is important to remember this, even when you are trying to lose weight.

Surviving exercise challenges if you are overweight :-

Exercising is the ideal answer to solving your weight problems. but, for someone who is obese, this solution can lead to entirely different  set of issues. exercise is even more physically challenging and harder on the psyche than it is for lighter people. With all the thin bodies and Mirrors that surround you and the gym, exercise can be tough. somehow you have to set these aside and shed  the weight to improve your changes of a longer, healthy life.

Before starting any exercise program, you should see your doctor to make sure your body will be able to handle the exercise. support from family and friends we also  help you reach your goals. just starting is challenging enough so any support you can get during the journey is good.

Heavy people are often  self-conscious and concerned about injuries for good reasons.fear (  both real and imagined ) is a common reason for fitness regimens to be abandoned .a trained fitness professional can complete an accurate assessment of what you can do. safety should always come first.

Any exercise program should be eased into gradually.Overweight people have a  greater probability of having unknown health problems. hypertension and mobility issues are common. you may also be prone to dizziness, nausea and shortness of breath while exercising. if you find it difficult to complete 30 minute workouts, break it into 10 to 15 minute sessions. you will eventually be able to do  30 minutes. when you reach that goal, make to congratulate yourself with a reward for completing a goal….

There are several things to remember which will make exercising less taxing. comfortable clothing and shoes are must as you  may get overheated easily. hi impact exercises should be avoided at first. your joint will have to be eased Into those. weight training is good to build muscle, which will help with burning fat, but make sure you don't overdo it.

Two Tips for better endurance :-

Many sports which require short  bursts of speed( such as football hockey and basketball ) use long, drawn out exercises such as- jogging to improve their endurance. this does not make much sense considering these exercises do not address the power, strength or speed required for their respective Sports.

The best way to build up endurance for these sports require the capability to sprint over and over again. many people refer to this as speed endurance.

There are two methods which are most efficient at improving the speed endurance of just about anyone. these are:
  • Improve your speed:  When you first thing about it, you might not  equate speed with endurance and you will probably  wonder how getting faster will improve your ability to sustain exercise for a long period of time. but, as your muscles get stronger, they will also a build up their endurance. the simplest ways to increase your speed include:
  • Jumping exercise
  •  Lunges
  • Deadlifts
  • squat jumps
  •  full- speed sprints, completely recovering between them
  •  lower your body fat 

cardio training: When you were aerobic system is developed at a higher rate, you have more energy you can use for exercises which are highly concentrated bursts of energy. Cardio training also make it easier for your body to recover between those highly intense training activities. When your body is able to recover quickly, you can perform more  short bursts of speed in a short period of time, which is what most Sports require.

Hopefully you better understand how improving your speed can increase your endurance now. Using these two techniques, you should be able to increase both so that you can perform your best every time.


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