get lean mass

                                                GET LEAN MASS
Salmon : building lean mass :

High quality fish is a superb protein source. Salmon in particular is Chock full of Omega 3 fatty acids (Which have multitudes of health benefits. )

Infact, as little as a 4 Oz  portion of Salmon, which is roughly the size of your fist, packs a mighty 180 calories and contains about 2- 3 gram of Omega 3 fatty acids.

Freshwater fish do contain small amount of chemical contaminants like mercury and lead, so it is best to Limit consumption to just a few times a week ( though you could safely consume a few ounces everyday.)

Go lean: meat and meat alternatives :

*Meat and meat alternatives are a good source of protein iron,Zinc and other nutrients.

Make lean choices and prepare them with little or no added fat. enjoy alternatives like legumes ( kidney beans chickpeas and lentils) and Tofu  aften.
1. Bake, roast or poach meat, fish and poultry.
2. Enjoy at least 2 servings  a week of fatty fish like Salmon, Trout and mackerel .
3. Try meatless meals such as lentils  with rice, omelettes, or tofu burgers
4. Keep boiled eggs in the fridge for Handy, quick snacks.
5. Sprinkle seeds on stir-frys And salads or enjoy a handful of nuts for a protein filled snack.

Protein intake:-

Protein is a bodybuilders number 1 choice when bulking and the same holds when dieting. You see, if we do not get in a protein, then our body is will steal it from our muscles. A production of lean mass means a drop in our metabolic rate. In order to prevent this, we need to consume at least a gram of protein per pound of body weight during this program. So a 200 pound man would need 200 grams of protein a day and a 130 pound woman need 130 gram of protein a day. just would be on the safe side I sometimes consume 1.5 to 2 grams  a day of this micronutrient when dieting. but we will take away the happy medium of 1 gram per pound of body weight for this party particular 12 week program. if you feel you need more, then lower you carbs and up your protein intake.

Meal frequency:-

I don't know where three square meals a day come from but I believe that this is one of the main reason most people end up storing fat in the first place.The typical modern day diet consists of a donut for breakfast, medium sized lunch and a monster dinner with dessert afterwards. basically we end out starving ourselves all day when our bodies desperately need nutrients and then chow down at night right before we pass out. the key to true fat loss is to constantly feed your body throughout the day. Note 3, or even 4 meals a day will do- you need to spread your calorie out over 6 balanced meals. I know what a lot of you are thinking at this point, I don't have time to eat 5 to 6 meals a day. the plain fact of the matter is this :if you want a spectacular looking body, you are going to have to be willing to go the extra mile. it's that a plain and simple. There are several reasons why I  advocate 6 meal a day . these are just a few of them: our body temperature rises in response to the digestion of food. when our temperature rises we end out burning calories at a higher rate. otherwise our metabolic rate increases. the term for this is thermogenesis. think about it, your temperature rises every time you eat, this alone is worth eating 6 meals a day.

Larger meals are more likely to be stored as fat. If you eat 6 to 400 calorie meals instead of 3  800 calorie meals your body will use the food as energy instead of storing what is left over as fat.

Time and time again, diabetic research has proven the benefit of more stable blood sugar level, optimal absorption of food, and as increase the metabolic rate, all a result of ingesting more balanced meals as opposed to stuffing more into each meal.

If we eat more often, we will trick our bodies into believing that we are not starving it;therefore,our thyroid levels will not drastically in response to our reduction of calories.

Finally, consider the exponential benefits eating more meals would have on your ability to recuperate from intense workouts.

How to count your calories:

At first counting calories may seem weirdor or out of place ,but after a short while, it will become second hand nature to you. each of the food items that you eat should slow the calorie Count On the container. for instance a cup of skim milk is 90 calories it says so right on the back of the cartoon. serving of whey protein is 120 calories.

 Each meal must,and I repeat must, contain a balance of protein and complex carbohydrates or fats in order for you to really get the most out of your  weight training and fat loss program. then, you need to divide your calories up into 6 meals. So if you were to consume 2400 calories a day. Each of your  meals would be approximately 400 calories each. A great meal would be a turkey sandwich, or a lean piece of steak with oven baked sweet potatoes. The carbohydrates should be a complex one such as oatmeal or whole wheat bread; your protein should be from a low fat source.In other words, cut out the bacon and ribs from your diet and adopt, lean Turkey,lean steak and lean chicken.

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