Benefits of fruits

                                   benefits of fruits

1. Health benefits of apple :

1.Get whiter,healthier teeth :

 An apple won't replace your toothbrush,but biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth,reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria.

2.Avoid alzheimer's :

 A new study performed on mice shows that drinking apple juice could keep Alzheimer's away and fight the effects of aging on the brain.mice in the study that were fed an apple enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet.

3.Protect against  Parkinson's :

Research has shown that people who eat fruit and other  high- fibre foods gain a certain amount of production against Parkinson's disease characterized by a breakdown  of the brain’s dopamine producing Nerve cells. scientist have linked this to the free radical fighting power of the antioxidants contained therein.

4.Curb all sorts of cancer :

Scientist from American association for Cancer Research, among others, agreed that the consumption of  flavonol-rich apples could help reduce your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23%. researchers at Cornell University have identified several compounds-  triterpenoids- in Apple peel that have potent anti growth activity against cancer cells in the liver, colon and breast. There earlier researches found that extract from whole Apple can reduce the number and size of memory tumors in rats. meanwhile, the National Cancer institute in the U.S. recommended fibre intake to reduce the risk of  colorectal cancer.

5.decrease your risk of diabetes:

Women who eat at least one Apple a day are 28% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who don't eat apples. apples are loaded with soluble fibre, the key to  blunting blood sugar swings.

6.Reduce cholesterol:

Soluble fibre found in Apple Binds with fats in the intestine, which translates into lower cholesterol levels and healthier you.

7.Get a healthier heart:

An extensive body of research has linked high soluble fibre intake with a slower buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque in your arteries. the phenolic compound found in Apple skins also prevents the cholesterol that gets into your system from  Solidifying on your artery walls.

When plaque build inside your arteries, it reduces blood flow to your heart, leading to coronary artery disease.

8.Prevent Gallstones:

Gallstones from when there's too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as a liquid, so it  solidifies. they are particularly prevalent in the obese. to prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fibre to help you control your weight and cholesterol levels.

9.Beat diarrhoea and constipation.:

Whether you can't go to the bathroom or you just can't stop, fibre found in Apple can help.fiber  can either pull water out of your Colon to keep things moving along in you are packed up, or absorb excess water from your stool to slow your bowels down.

10.Control your weight:

Many health problems are associated with being overweight, among them  heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. to manage your weight and improve your overall health, doctors recommend a diet rich in fiber.foods high in fiber will fill you up without costing you too many calories.

11. Boost Your immune system:

Red apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. recent studies have found that quercetin can help boost and fortify  your immune system, especially when you are stressed out.

2. Health benefits of  Grapes

1. loaded  with antioxidants:

Grapes are powerhouse of antioxidants-  they contain a wide range of phytonutrients right from carotenoids to polyphenols.studies has revealed that these phytonutrients helps in preventing certain kinds of cancer and help in maintaining heart health.among polyphenols,resveratrol is known for its miraculous properties such as inhibiting the formation of free radicals that could cause cancer and dilating blood pressure.point to note:the antioxidants content is the highest in the seeds and the skin,so do make use of them.

2.prevent skin problems :

It is found that resveratrol prevents signs of ageing and other skin problems.according to study conducted by the team at the university of california,los angeles,resverastrol,when combined benzoyl peroxide,fights the acne causing bacteria.

3.high source of potassium :

The nutritional breakup of grapes reveals that per 100 gram of the fruits contains 191 mg of potassium.high intake of potassium and lowering sodium content can help your body in numerous ways.potassium also counteracts excess sodium.

a low sodium high potassium diet has proven beneficial for high blood pressure,High cholesterol and heart health in most cases. according to robynne chutkan ,Gastroenterologist, Author and founder of the digestive Centre for women in Washington DC  bloated stomach can Invite many health related problems.

cutting down on salt intake and focusing on Potassium Rich fibre can help in getting flat stomach.

4.Good for eyes :

According to study done by University of Miami, Florida, grapes promote eye health from signalling changes at  the Cellular level to directly countering oxidative stress.

including grapes in the diet two results in lower level of inflammatory proteins  and higher amount of protective proteins in the retinas, which is the part of eye that contain the cells that respond to light known as photoreceptors.

5.Boost brain power :

Certain studies have found that resveratrol helps in increasing blood flow to the brain, thereby it could help speed up mental responses and prove to be beneficial for those suffering from brain related ailments like Alzheimer's.

a study done by the University of Switzerland also found that resveratrol can help remove plaques and free radicals, which affect the brain.

6.Good for knees :

A study done by Texas University has established that daily intake of grapes can help get relief from knee pain, especially the ones triggered due to  symptomatic osteoarthritis.

grapes are high on antioxidants, most important and beneficial one being polyphenols, which help in improving the flexibility and mobility of joints.

7. anti-inflammatory properties:

it has been found that grapes contains certain enzymes which bring about anti inflammatory effect in our body. As such it brings about relief to the arteries, promotes heart health and helps in on the prepared functions of the body.

3. Health benefits of  mango

Benefits of mango

1. Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukaemia, and prostate cancers. these compounds include quercetin, isoquercetrin,
astragalin,fisetin,gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes.

2. Lowers cholesterol

The high level of fibre, pectin and Vitamin C  help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specially low density lipoprotein.

3.Clears the skin:

Can be used both internal and external for the skin. mangoes help clear clogged pores  and eliminate pimples.

4. Improve eye health

One cup of sliced mango supplies 25% of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.

5. Alkalizes the whole body

The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali  reserve of the body.

6.May help with diabetes

Mango  levels help normalised insulin level in the blood. the traditional home remedy involved boiling leaves in water, soaking through the night and then consuming the filtered decoction in the morning.

mango fruit also has a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) so moderate quantities will not spoil your sugar levels.

4. Health benefits of  kivi

1.High source of vitamin C:

If you thought that lemons and oranges were the highest source of vitamin C,  then think again….. according to the nutritional breakup of kiwi fruit per 100 grams contain 154 % of Vitamin C, which is almost twice that lemon and oranges. Vitamin C act as powerful antioxidants, eliminating free radicals that could cause inflammation or cancer. it also helps in boosting the immunity of the body against harmful pathogens.

2. sleep inducer:

Having trouble sleeping?  according to a research done by taipei Medical University,’’ numerous studies have revealed that Kiwi fruit contains many medicinally  used compounds, among which antioxidants and serotonin maybe beneficial in the treatment of sleep disorders’’ It is said that having to kiwi fruits one hour before bedtime can help  immensely in introducing sleep.

3. helps in digestion:

Kiwi fruit contain an enzyme known as antinidain which is known for its protein  dissolving properties, similar to that of papain in papaya. this is the reason why it is commonly used as meat tenderizer.

more over, it helps in the digestion of proteins in the body and is also known to help patients suffering from irritable bowels syndrome.

4. Powerhouse of Vitamin and Minerals:

Kiwi fruit is loaded with vitamins and minerals search ad vitamin A B6 B12 E  and potassium calcium iron and magnesium. These contribute collectively to the proper functioning of the body  such as blood circulation Through the vessels, fight stress, iron absorption for healthy bones and teeth, good vision,etc.

the high level of potassium, 312 mg  per 100 grams, help in the maintaining blood pressure whereas magnesium helps in the nerve and muscle functions.

5. beautiful skin :

kiwi is alkaline in nature, which means it helps in the countering the effect of acidic foods that we quite often consume. a healthy body is one which has a good  pH balance, which helps in keeping you active, full of energy, and with a youthful skin.

the vitamins present in Kiwi (C and E)Are said to be great for skin degradation. take a few slices and apply them on your skin for good result.

in addition to the above mentioned qualities Kiwi fruit contain Omega 3 fatty acids,carotenoids, polyphenols, and promotes heart health.

5. Health benefits of  papaya

1. Digestion:

The enzyme papain  present in papaya is known to aid  digestion by breaking down proteins. therefore, a glass of papaya juice is often recommended as a home remedy for digestion related problems or constipation

2. Anti- inflammatory:

Apart from papain, papaya also contains other effective enzymes that help against inflammation and promote healing. Of burns.

3. Heart disease and cancer:

Papaya is rich in antioxidants and  phytonutrients that work against free radicals and therefore is said to protect the body from possible heart disease and cancer.

4.diabetes :

Many researchers have found that the consumption of raw papaya could help maintain blood sugar level and cholesterol because of the high fibre content, thereby keeping a check on diabetes.

according to a study done by the centre of excellence for biomedical and  biomaterials research at the mauriyoutius University, green tea and fermented papaya work together as preventive means for diabetes. in some part of India, especially the North East, papaya flowers are locally used as the preventive measure against diabetes.

the bitter flowers are lightly sauteed in a  little Oil and consumed as a side to rice on a regular basis.


Papaya is a great source of vitamin A B C and K and is known as an excellent immunity booster. it is great for the growth of body tissues, including hair and skin. it helps in maintaining collagen, the structural protein of connective tissue. it is said that a medium sized papaya could provide you double your daily requirement of vitamins.

6. weight loss:

Papaya is low in Calories and therefore proves to be the perfect option for breakfast. a serving of 140 grams of the fruit contains 60 calories, with total fat 0.4 gram, no cholesterol, 15.7 gram carbohydrate and 2.5 gram of dietary fiber.

6. Health benefits of  Pears

1.fight free radicals:

Pears are naturally high in vitamin C and K, as well as nutrients such as copper- all of which act as antioxidant to protect our cells from damage from free radicals.One pear contains up to 11% of our daily recommended intake of Vitamin C and 9.5% of our daily recommended intake of copper.  Pears are also said to have more nutrients for calories than calorie per nutrient.

2. protect our hearts.:

Pears  are an excellent source of dietary fibre, and fibre is good for the heart. studies have shown that I work and lower levels of bad cholesterol by binding to bile  Salts- which are made from cholesterol- and carrying them out of the body. eating pears can also reduce risk of stroke by up to 50%.
7. Health benefits of pomegranate :

1. pomegranate and anti-inflammatory effects that may protect against cancer and other chronic diseases.

2. pomegranate has antiangiogenic property, meaning that they may help to prevent growing  tumors from acquiring a blood supply, preventing those tumors from receiving the nutrients that would allow them to grow larger.
3. pomegranate is one of the few foods that contain natural aromatase  inhibitors. this means that they inhibit the production of estrogen, which can reduce breast cancer risk.
4. after treatment for prostate cancer, two studies have shown that pomegranate juice on supplements slowed  the increase in PSA.
5. pomegranate phytochemicals reduce LDL oxidation.
6. pomegranate phytochemical have blood pressure reducing properties.
7. in a study of patient with severe carotid  artery blockages, after 1 hours of pomegranate juicy daily for one year. there was a 30% reduction in atherosclerotic striking contrast, in the participants who did not take the pomegranate juice atherosclerotic plaque increased by 9% 13.
pomegranate supplement taken before and after surgery prevented the postoperative memory dysfunction associated with coronary artery bypass heart valve surgery.
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